Keep in mind that none of these instruments are sculpted prims or mesh…it’s all done with prims, straight and simple, and GODD textures that we’ve had and used for decades in our GODD video games.
Introducing Some Old Friends From ‘Way Back
Come on into my WayBack Machine to The Time That Usta Was:
Girl Plays 3 Instruments at Once
Is this worth a half-million hits? I think it is.
What Ever Became of Gayle McCormick???
Gayle was stunningly drop-dead gorgeous, bursting with positive energy and expansiveness that enabled her to become one of the biggest stars of the Los Angeles rock scene — but then, suddenly, bam! She dropped out of sight, leaving a legacy with “Smith” and a few indie singles that made the charts to #44, not an impressive showing. What the heck-darn happened to her, anyway? Continue reading