Lurking behind you at sundown is your friendly neighborhood vampire.
Alas, when wandering in the lower worlds, one often arrives at a spawn point pretty much bare-ass naked — no armor, no belt, no helm, no rings, no amulet, no gloves, no money to buy any, and what amounts to a survival knife in one hand, and that’s it. Continue reading →
Cover illio for The Portal Game, which teaches how to use Ancient Triads.
Portal Keys are the main use of Triads in the game, although Healing and Higher Contact are the actual intentional uses of this ancient instrument that was introduced into the life of humans of Planet Earth sometime around 30,000 B.C. during one of the earlier civilizations, which has been long submerged under the sea.
Atlantis? Possibly, but there were thousands of city-states that were destroyed in several massive catastrophic sea-level risings, a repetitive event on Earth that is soon to be repeated in our time. What happens is that the seacoast disappears underwater when the ice caps melt, which they’ve been doing for the past 65,000 years, by my clock.
Don’t let that divert you from your Essence Quest, to find and learn to use the ten Triads of the Ancients, somewhere in the wilderness — that’s the first Triad, but there are nine more, and you’ll have to explore and traverse ten different worlds to find all the Triads you’ll be carrying and using from now on. Continue reading →
I shipped on board this Fourth Way Liner, “The Minnow”, 2859 B.C.E.
If you’ve seen one Mayan Temple, you’ve seen them all. They all had the same plan, just as all temples everywhere are built on the same plan, which could be typically described as “something entirely overwhelming and impressive, with, if possible, a touch of weird.”
We’ll start our journey with the Mayan Culture, but before we begin, I’d like to explain the format and rationale of the present volume. Continue reading →
“Dyan Cannon Multiple Exposure”, 1966, 16″x20″ gel print by E.J. Gold.
Yes, you can order Einstein’s Brain right now, today, not the sections of human brainĀ not for $99.95, not for $69.95, I’m not even asking $59.95 for this incredible unit — just $49.95, no money down, no stretch pay, just a check, cash or money order for $49.95 will bring your very own Einstein’s Brain to your door.
Imagine the shock and surprise on the faces of your friends when they find out you have Einstein’s Brain, and you intend to use it. Be the first on your block to discover universal truths!
Plowing a field into furrows, waveforms on the surface of a coherent polyhedron.
Yes, you read it right — radio crystal EMO WaveForm charms — and furthermore, I meant every word of it. I’ve been on the jewelry bench from about midnight, trying to work out the frequencies of my new radio crystal EMO charms, and damned if they don’t come out right on the money, at a high harmonic of the long low wave at 7.6 hz frequency.
Standing Waves are important to you, even if you never heard of them before, and what’s more, propelling and mutating waveforms and passing waves and waveforms in general are also vital for your work life. Waveforms are easy to understand, and there are plenty of experiments you can conduct personally for your own edification, so that you can finally understand what they are and how they can be used for your work on self. Continue reading →
Exquisitely tiny, meticulously crafted wearable Miniature Time Machines are now available on this planet, but not for the first time — they were around thousands of years ago, and were in common usage for lucid dreaming and the prevention of the appearance of drunkenness, an important issue in the ancient world, particularly Athens.
Wireless telegraphy was around as far back as 30,000 B.C., and you can take advantage of that fact to capture ancient radio signals that still circle the earth and can be decoded with the Detector in your CQR Amulet.
Tapping into the daily life of ancient cultures of Planet Earth is easy, with the Past Life Portal, a miniature EMO & ANCIENT Bead Pendant that can be worn as a charm or linked with other pendants into a full NECKLACE MALA or bracelet style WRIST MALA.
The mechanism is stunningly simple — a Steven Sax EMO Bead — handmade in California using State-of-the-Art Bio-Thermal Technology — is surrounded by two guaranteed authentic ancient ceramic, glass, metal or gem beads, interspersed with pure solid copper hand-cast & polished hedgehog beads, all on a solid 100% pure copper core with double induction helix rings, just like they do at the Fermi Lab. Continue reading →
Museum Reconstruction of a 4500 B.C. Sumerian Lapis necklace.
The necklace in the photo above looks deceptively easy to acquire, but it isn’t. You can’t buy this necklace at any price. It is a “School Artifact”.
Relics like these can be reconstructed from ancient materials. In this case, note that the maker of all the lapis beads is the same, from the same workshop. This is not the case with beads acquired through the ordinary marketplace. Matched sets of ancient beads is exceedingly rare. Continue reading →
Mood Rings were so popular in the 1960s that absolutely everyone was wearing one.
Ever since Steve — who also created “Ocean in a Bottle”, the “Mood Organ” and the Rock Light-Show — invented the Mood Ring back in the Day, I’ve wanted the equivalent in beads, but it never happened, for two reasons, and the first reason was that the market wasn’t ready for them. They belong in the 21st century.
The second reason was the chemistry. The Psychedelic Mood Ring was sloooowwwwww to react to changes. The modern Rainbow Bead reacts quickly and accurately to changes of mood and temperament.
The most important difference between Mood Rings and Rainbow Beads is the extent and completeness of the color spectrum through which they will flow. The Rainbow Beads are capable of millions of colors, while ordinary “mood” itemsĀ have a very limited range of color variations.
My American-Made Rainbow Beads are actually rainbows. You will see literally millions of colors in a spreading halo of interacting colors, creating a spectacular effect that can only be fully appreciated in full sunlight.
The basic Quantum Effect behind the Rainbow Bead is that it reacts with color in accord with the Chakras and the Aura, reflecting the color or colors that you are manifesting at this very moment. Continue reading →
Your Roman-Style Garnet & Copper Earrings could easily have been worn by a Roman woman of the first century. This style was very popular, and much of the Greek artistic tradition was absorbed into the Roman economy and art tastes and values. Ancient Romans were avid collectors of ancient artifacts.
Reincarnation Relic Rings — that’s what I’m doing tonight, all night long, custom rings made to your specifications, by date, by location or by occult powers of stones.
Even ancient glass has profound occult effects, and some glass is over 1200 years old, dating to the earliest known manufacture of glass, which is more or less melted sand, but with various elements added to the mix to make a variety of types of glass, everything from dark green all the way to brilliant opalescent clarity.
I have made many Relic Rings, but never had the packaging that could let them sell without me being right there to custom-explain the thing, and that goes double for online sales.
With the New Improved Packaging System, we get several things.
Sealed for security integrity of item.
Guaranteed to be what it says or your money back, period.
Guaranteed authenticity & that it came from my collection.
Age of item is given clearly, as in: “2,000 yrs old”, or “433 B.C.”.
Place of origin is given, if known, or general area, if known.
Sealed archival environment protects the item until opened.
Size of ring is given on the outside of package.
Sealed packaging means your ring is clean when you receive it.
Type of metal is indicated. “.925” means 92.5 % pure silver.
The heavy sterling silver high-conductance ring shank acts as an Induction Ring.
Your ring is absolutely unique. There is no other ring on Earth exactly like it.
So from whence came all these relics and ancient objects? Continue reading →