Here’s the full lowdown on how to use the “Park the Body” technique to achieve GREAT results in Past Life Assessments, Psychic Remote Reading, Time Travel and most of all, the ever-elusive Successful Out of Body Astral Projection.
The technique is amazingly simple, easy to master and use and has no strings. Please note, there is no “secret” method to this, just good, clean and truly helpful coaching in a live astral projection or remote reading session.
Every human being on Earth is naturally telepathic, although the contact is far below the awareness level of the beta brain so, as you’d expect, most folks are stunningly unaware of their telepathic abilities, and never develop them beyond the subtext influence level on which they operate automatically in the human biological machine with no prompting from anyone.
Humans are just telepathic enough to receive instructions from the Mother Mind. They react according to plan, in knee-jerk fashion, thus accounting for any wild changes in fashion, business, war and peace and, of course, the music.
Keep in mind that space and time are thoroughly bound, and even Einstein, a local boy with a big brain, knew that time is exactly like space — it has dimensions, more than one of them.
What this means to you as a Voyager is that just as space is always there, time is too — which translates to “yesterday is also always there”. You can move into any time-frame as long as you can reach it from where you are, and that’s where Park the Body Technique comes in handy. Continue reading