Phasing With Interference Waves

Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 -- photo by ej gold.
Griffith Park Love-In, 1967 — gelatin photoprint by ej gold.

When transcending compound-complex wave-forms, you’ll want a Resonance Factor of about 10.0 with a Beat-Frequency Oscillation of zero or about zero.

Jiggle & Bounce are two factors you’ll want to note, both results of integrated and differential vector analyses. The Vagueness and Weirdness of the quantum world will cloud up any ordinary results.

Non-located vibration sources require harmony, hence harmonic tuning is indicated when riding a continuous wave in a diodal formation.

Essence Memory is the footprint of all your memories of all your lifetimes and non-meat excursions, meaning spirit flights during intermission or interregnum.

Pitch, Roll & Yaw are automatically adjusted in-flight. You don’t have to do anything to correct them.

Remember that there are eleven different directions, or “dimensions”, including upness, downness, sideness, deepness, timeness, in-ness, outness, and a few more to contend with when voyaging in any dimension.

Frequency Shift through Parallel or Serial Universes can be transcended. Continue reading

THE ART OF BELIEVING — “Trans-Dimensional Voyaging” — SCRIPT #3

Ancient Chinese Trans-Dimensional Device shown onstage, Dresden, 1899.

That’s us, in the photo above, just before we respawned to build and operate the Golden Lion in San Francisco from 1922-1939. I respawned in 1941 to attend this party. Here, below, is the script for the Fifth Wave Quantum Distortion Demonstration:

What’sa matter?  Are you stuck in time? Do you belong to another time and place? Is your world cold, empty and futile? Well, fret no more, bunky, help is on the way. Thanks to several advancements in science that have already been leaked to the public, I am at last able to make my “Wayback Machine” Voyages into the far distant past and into an unknown future.


Step aboard the FIFTH WAVE QUANTUM DISTORTION DEVICE and take a journey into time and space, into the past and into the future. See for yourself the world of the Future!!!

Let’s take a LIFE-REPAIRING SPIRITUAL HEALING Time-Travel Expedition right now, this very minute, but before we embark on our journey into time, we ought to have a little spending money, right? (PICKS UP DOWSING RODS, SHOWS BOXES & GOLD SAMPLE.) Continue reading

What’s Happening Today???

You’ll appreciate the diversity of the images provided in the Parallel Life Survey Kit.

If you were wondering what ever became of gorebagg, here’s what’s happening: I’m in the middle of writing a book that you can read as I write it, almost hour-by-hour, which, if you’re a creative writing student, you’ll appreciate doublefold.

At the same time, I’m separating family photos that I won’t be using for my own book, and I’m making them available for the upcoming Parallel Life Survey Workshop.

Originally, I had intended that you would use your own photos, and we will indeed be using them, but using my prepared photos is far superior, for several reasons.

Everyone will use the same photos in the same sequence or order. You may not rearrange them to suit yourself or anyone else. Leave them in the ordination in which they come to you and are numbered, 1 to 100. Continue reading

Unleash Your Goddess Powers

Goddess is finally uploaded on the download site and ready for you to get hold of and jump into. But first, a few words about Goddess

Sure, you’re a Goddess. What woman isn’t? And some men. But what exactly do you do as a Goddess? You see, most Goddesses of the ancient variety didn’t have to do housework, weren’t members of bridge clubs, seldom went shopping with their BFF, had no text messages beeping at them every ten minutes and didn’t work on the side as soccer moms. There’s not a lot of opportunity to do Goddess Business when you’re stuck in a pair of pantyhose, standing on 5 inch spike heels in a mini-skirt, bending over a file drawer with a low-cut blouse, all for the purpose of getting a raise from the boss; take that any way you like, it’s the truth, it’s how business is done.

So where’s the profit in the Goddess Business??? Given that for at least ten hours a day you’re stuck in some kind of traffic or other, whether on the Freeway or at the water cooler. If we were in grade school, I’d say it’s long past due Time for Recess.

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Hands-On Reincarnation Awareness


"Skeletons I Have Known & Loved" -- sculpture by EJ Gold

Have you ever “just known” something that happened so long ago your present body wasn’t even born yet?

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