Some dude back in the day told us the numbers — “One out of a thousand, two out of ten thousand.”
Take the time to click onto this “10,000 baal runs” video and look at the number of views that have accumulated on this now-famous youtube video of mine — at this date, it reads: “258,478”. More than a quarter-million hits.
Think about it. That means that A QUARTER MILLION viewers stopped by one of my channels, “gorebagdotcom”, to see this video, and most of them laughed at the punchline, just as you did or will do when you see it, and most of them forgot about it less than a second after the video ended and another one popped up. Out of a quarter of a million viewers, 350 liked it, 350 hated it. The other 258,000 were indifferent, or didn’t notice. Continue reading