Life in a Box Chapter 3

Well, heck, looka here. If it isn’t the old Norton Street Contact Orb! I made this back in 2014 as a backup in case for some reason Second Life failed, but it didn’t. It’s quite healthy, with over a million users a day, and double the number of landowners from last year.

Still, it’s a nice backup, eh?

Thing is, you’d have to learn, actually LEARN, how to use it, how to set up a base and most of all, how to defeat your online barriers, of which there are plenty, not the least of which will be your server.

If you have a stable IP, you might do better, and I’d strongly advise it anyway, if you ‘re planning to make a living online, which if you don’t do, you probably won’t live very long, as a result of illness or starvation.

What good is a payroll tax deduction if you don’t happen to be on anyone’s payroll?

Contact Orbs are great for staying in touch. You can use the text messaging already in place, or you can add voice with a number of different options for vocalization.

Most folks prefer the texting, and I’m definitely in that camp. Continue reading


Pictured above, you’ll note my personal favorite CQR amulet, the Quantum Witch. There’s a lot to it, and it’s a bitch to make — squeezing the electrolytic capacitor into the crystals is just about impossible, and the double-inductance wire-wound coil is outrageously tough to produce, but there it is, ceramic nc foil & all. Most amazing thing about this particular ammy is that it’s quite useful, although all the ammies WILL work in this function, for IDR research.

“What, exactly, is IDR Research?”, you ask. IDR=Inter-Dimensional Radio. “Never heard of it,” you respond, quite rightly, because those working in this area really don’t want you to know about it. As a matter of fact, they’ll tell you that you’re crazy to think that such a thing is going on, right under the noses of the Popular Masses, meaning us.

The Big Guys in Washington and Moscow actually WANT you to think that UFOs are piloted by interstellar greenies with teensy antennae waving about their big bald heads.

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