MetaProgramming the Human Biocomputer

EMO DEVICES such as GUIDE RINGS, GUIDE BRACELETS, GUIDE EARRINGS & GUIDE NECKLACES are only useful as GUIDES to BLUE SPACE when they are activated by the Movements.

The Movements can be viewed as a series of postures connected by specific transitions. They can be linked together into Kathas, or Forms, creating chains or strings of powerful invocational “passes” or moves.

This can in turn be linked to space-time, creating a Causal Plane Effect, if the system is turned on.

Turning on the system requires triggering actions, which are initiated by wearing the specific amulet, EMO gear, within a radius of 9 meters or less from the SuperBeacon & Matrix Altar Area. Continue reading

How To Use MetaTools for MetaProgramming Part 2

ANNIE OAKLEY — This is a “seance” type Orb, which puts you in touch with a time-space discontinuum that can be useful for the Soul Voyager.

ELVIS SEANCE — Sure, he’s got a lot of fan mail to wade through every day, but what the heck, you might catch him in.

HOUDINI — Erich Weiss spoke English with a strong Eastern European Jewish accent. If he sounds like Tony Curtis, you might have gotten hold of the Hollywood Houdini.

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How to Use My Orbs to Program & MetaProgram the Human BioComputer & Beyond

I’ve released the Orbs, but haven’t yet put them in any order. They’re meant for two purposes. First, the lower Orbs — the HBM Programming ones — are just intended as “Practice” runs. Sure, it’s nice to clean up your HBM act, but all that stuff melts away in the very first second you’ll spend in the Between-Lives State. Your real work will be with the MetaPrograms, the ones that address the Spiritual Being and your own special brand of individuality on the Spirit Plane. Of course, above that, we’re all One, but that’s a lot harder to admin.

Even there, we’ll deal with that lofty space a lot sooner than you’ll really want to. It’s the MetaProgramming Set, and it comes at the tail end of a large number of exercises and tests. This is the Real Thing, and you don’t want to mess it up.

Using these Orbs with the SuperBeacon, Matrix and Running Ammy is highly recommended for the greatest possible spiritual benefit. Keep your Quantum up!!!

Here is a short list of the PROGRAMMING Orbs & Modules:

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MetaTools for Programming & MetaProgramming the Human BioComputer


In the world of  my longtime friend John C. Lilly, M.D., there was at the root of anything he did, the fundamental problem of countra-survival programming running in the brain, somehow imposed on the Human Biological Machine by the environment, but mostly by people in the environment. Continue reading