Silicon Estates is Alive and Well!

Here’s what I’ve been up to tonight — listing some of my many architectural creations in second life.

They can be carried as virtual charms, or actually set up in a second life environment. You can rent them for about $20 a month, often even less, and there’s enough room in there for several villagers.

What I thought might work is to set up a small village, not too many prims, for maybe 20 people, each contributing a dollar a month to the Village Project, under someone’s private ownership, so it can develop commercially.

My thought was a shopping village that’s open only two hours per week, on either Saturday or Sunday.

Goods can be displayed and purchased directly from the in-game environment, and payment is automatic and instantaneous, exchanging lindens for an item that goes into the inventory of the buyer.

The spaces could function in many different ways on a social dynamic level. Commercially, I can’t say as much, but these have functions in the MetaVerse — it can be translated into the metaverse language, or just plain copied.

That’s where good design comes in.

Now, what about making some things and putting them upĀ  on the marketplace, and making a virtual exhibition showroom out of the results?

That’s exactly what I’m doing here as an indication of just one possible direction this could take, and the rest is up to you to figure out.

See You At The Top!!!


For Sale, Not Particularly Cheap

IMPORTED 1972, Rare GENUINE frankincense, myrrh, storax — $2,500.00 for all.

Someone just asked me if we have any collections for sale, and I answered “Are you kidding? All we have is collections!” so I thought I’d categorize them in more or less reasonable divisions of interest. Continue reading

“Actual Error” Lucky Coins

First Day of Basic Training, they made me a corporal and we won the parade competition — how lucky is that?

If a coin that touched an Extreme Error Coin is lucky, how lucky is an Actual Error Coin? That’s what I’m offering — actual error coins in State, Parks & ATB quarters.

Here’s what you’re looking for in a quarter search:

  • MS-60+ GEM — Absolutely flawless and brilliant like a diamond. The odds against finding these in Business Strike Pocket Change is 7.6 BILLION to 1 against.
  • AU-MS — High-Grade but not quite gradable, these are the bulk of your collection for albums and jewelry, and will constitute the majority of your search collections.
  • ERROR COINS — These can be in ALMOST any condition, but you have to be the judge here. I won’t take any actually dirty coins, but lower grade, into the “EF-30” range, is acceptable for this type of charm. Of course, the higher grade error, the more unlikely, and therefore the luckiest.

That’s all there is to it!!!

Continue reading

Why Are You Here???

St. MIke at Cosmo Street, 1969.

Back at Cosmo Street, when St. Mike uttered those now-infamous words, “Why are you here?”, newcomers would brighten up, and old-timers would groan, “Not again.”, and that’s where they were wrong.

Of course, again.

Repetition is the key to the mysteries. Only when the initial novelty has worn off can one actually penetrate into any order of knowledge.

In short, you gotta do it a million times just to get the rhythm.

Why you are here is not a casual question, nor is it all-inclusive. In that particular case, it meant, “Why are you on Earth in a human incarnation?”

You should have some idea of what you’re trying to do with your lifetime, other than just spend it on vacation, on a continual quest for absence of pain and persistence of pleasure.

Basically, that’s what a paramecium does all day long. Continue reading