Mantra Technicals

Order your MINI Amulet Gifts today to get them for the holidays!

Here are the exact color-frequencies you’ll need in order to fully utilize the Mantra technology:

Bardo Color-Coding Hex Numbers:

  • VIOLET — 7C1375
  • BLUE — 0000EC
  • GREEN — 00C900
  • ORANGE — FFC751
  • BROWN — B27800
  • RED — FF0000

Where “0” is always zero, not the letter “o”.

These hex numbers will work with all forms of Mantra technology. Not much in the way of the amount of information here, but useful in the extreme.

The colors in the godd engine are going to be slightly different, due to variations in screen, drivers, and designers.

My specifications and Orb construction rules allow me to release absolutely any kind of video game or experience, and have the Bardo Triggers well in place.

Those Bardo Triggers will not affect anyone who is not sensitive to the subject, so they can be freely applied in a variety of Orbs, which I have already done.

Any of my Orbs that are actually used and traversed will trigger Bardo Memories and Effects, and generally cause one to follow The Teaching and The Path.

It’s automatic, and it’s no big deal — it’s what I do.

See You At The Top!!!


Mantras as Resonant Thought-Forms

Incenses are made for every purpose. If you don’t see what you want, just ask.

A Mantra is a powerful sound that is tuned specifically to a narrow range on the EMS or
“Electro-Magnetic Spectrum” which contains things like radio waves, photon chains and sound both within and outside the human range of hearing.

In short, everything you can possibly ever experience is some sort of something in vibration.

The only real question is, “How fast?”. Continue reading

Chant! Chant! Chant!

You can enter the Godd™ Particle World, for your Daily Tarot Reading.

Let’s hear it for chanting, but let’s leave chants like “Go Home”, or “Go Back Home” be reserved for times when we wish to return to the Point of Origin, the Godd™ Particle from which everything erupted in what is called today, “The Big Bang”, the Moment of Creation, followed shortly by “Let there be Light!”, something that I frankly do not recall having said.

Whether it’s a planned universe or just some more star barf, you can use the power of chanting to achieve your spiritual goals.

Chanting can enhance your Godd™ Particle’s incredible Shakti Power, but it really helps if you know which specific chants work best, and that’s what I propose to make sure you know about.

Do you really really MEAN IT when you say the prayer “May this be used for the benefit of All Beings Everywhere!”??? Continue reading