Something is Rotten in Denmark

Hamlet says it best — “Something is rotten in Denmark”, and he’d be referring to his very own country, of which he is, for the moment, a prince in line for the throne, after his uncle, who murdered his father and married his mother — oh, it is all so COMPLICATED!!!

Did you know that things are going totally to Hell?

If you’ve been paying attention to the circus, the chief clown is planning to infect the entire nation with his Covid 19 virus, to which he is apparently immune.

Is he infectious?


Does he care what happens to you? Yes, he does, in a strange sort of way — he wants to kill us all.

It’s his calculation that it won’t affect his loyal followers — they’re immune, too.

It’ll only kill off every last Democrat or anyone else who wants to give people who don’t happen to be his particular brand of loyal white Christian society a chance to live a life, and believe me, you’re on the list. Continue reading

What Ring Shall I Make or Buy???

First of all, “to make” or “to buy” — let us consider the facts in the case, Watson:

  • You might find a ring already-made in my collection, in which case, you can decide whether you want to pay my price or make your own for far less, with materials that I can provide, giving you every single piece you need to assemble the finished article.
  • You might have found an already-made ring in my collection and the stone can’t be duplicated. In this case, you’re stuck with one of only two options — buy it or don’t.
  • You might have found a stone in my large collection of ancient stones, one that’s perfect for your work-needs. In this case, you need only the ring-shank, the .20 gauge wrapping wire, the spacer side-beads and the stone itself to make your very own magical tool.

Here are some of the uses to which the various types of stones canĀ  be put:

ATLANTIS — Stones designated as “Atlantis” or “Atlantean” are thus described regarding their approximate date of manufacture, but in this case dating back to at least 8,400 B.C.E., which is to say, before the Second Great Flood, the one recorded as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.

Many of my most ancient man-made beads date from around 12,600 B.C.E. and can be used to access the following:

  • Atlantean Lifetimes Access
  • Akashic Records Access & Recovery
  • Atlantean Healing Stone Access
  • Afterlife Access
  • Between-Lives World Access
  • Interdimensional Access
  • Underworld Access
  • Deep Levels of Subconscious Access
  • MetaProgramming Access
  • Gods & Goddesses
  • Osiris Orion Sirius B Connection
  • StarGates, Portals & Shrine Access Points

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