Very Special Good Wishes to Jedrik!!! (I built a prim sculpture that says “HI!” in the temple, will leave it up for the night. Interestingly I didn’t get bumped out until I’d completed the exclamation point, so my net connection is getting better.)
What I’m doing tonight… It’s almost 2 am (make that “well-past-2-am” now, and getting mysteriously later and later, all the time) and all I’ve done so far is categorize the orbs on which I’m working to get them ready for this weekend’s ICW if I can. Dick is working very hard to get the fixes in so my boat rides work correctly, which at the moment, they don’t. The slants are fixed on the boat, but not entirely sure they work on land. Some do, some don’t. Will be trying to debug that while I build boats out of prim type “rboxes”, which are what we call “prims” in the GODD engine.
Here are the orbs I’m working on concurrently:
RAFTER — Workout orb for boat and water problems and steering issues, etc.
SHIRE RAFT — Rafting Expedition through the Shire with lots of bulldozing & hills
RIVER BOAT — “Mark Twain” two-story Steamboat with passengers & lots of detail
00 RIVER — Steamboat paddle-wheeler — Really New Orleans style
BOATRIDE — Uncertain what the boat will look like atm, but the ride is beautiful)
CANAL ZONE — Canal boat ride similar to Team Fortress Canal Zone)
REBIRTH (a stunning variant of warftown that resembles actual rebirth events)
VENICE (waterworld version of HADRON — this will be the basis of some running orbs)
SEA RAFT (that’s the one in the video — this is a wide open space with tropical islands)