Learn to “Park the Body” for Astral Projection & Remote Viewing

Scene from "Seance" production at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, BC Canada.
“Seance” at Queen Elizabeth Theatre, B.C. Canada.

Here’s a breakdown of the exact induction I would use to train someone to Park the Body. It is a professional technique and should not be applied outside the realm of meditation science. It is NOT hypnotism, and should not be used as such.

This is a training induction that teaches how to Park a Body.

We are going to learn to transform this long induction into a simple suggestion, “Park the Body”, after which we merely park the body in a single moment, rather than go through the whole induction process, which means that it has become “instinctive” and no longer requires a step-by-step repetition.

It may take only once to master, or several times, but this induction is intended only as a guide for the meditation, “Park the Body” — the end result is that you will be able to park the body without the detailed induction.

The induction given verbatim below works best when it is part of a personally coached “Guided Meditation”.

Other than general relaxation, this induction has no known medical uses — it is strictly a meditation device which can be used with a beginner to indicate an easy way to relax the body while remaining fully awake and in control. Continue reading

Park the Body — Past Life Technique Perfected

Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!
Get Out of Body the Easy Way!!! Park the Body and GO!!!

Here’s the full lowdown on how to use the “Park the Body” technique to achieve GREAT results in Past Life Assessments, Psychic Remote Reading, Time Travel and most of all, the ever-elusive Successful Out of Body Astral Projection.

The technique is amazingly simple, easy to master and use and has no strings. Please note, there is no “secret” method to this, just good, clean and truly helpful coaching in a live astral projection or remote reading session.

Every human being on Earth is naturally telepathic, although the contact is far below the awareness level of the beta brain so, as you’d expect, most folks are stunningly unaware of their telepathic abilities, and never develop them beyond the subtext influence level on which they operate automatically in the human biological machine with no prompting from anyone.

Humans are just telepathic enough to receive instructions from the Mother Mind. They react according to plan, in knee-jerk fashion, thus accounting for any wild changes in fashion, business, war and peace and, of course, the music.

Keep in mind that space and time are thoroughly bound, and even Einstein, a local boy with a big brain, knew that time is exactly like space — it has dimensions, more than one of them.

What this means to you as a Voyager is that just as space is always there, time is too — which translates to “yesterday is also always there”. You can move into any time-frame as long as you can reach it from where you are, and that’s where Park the Body Technique comes in handy. Continue reading

What’s Going On Here, Anyway???


This blog started out on the subject of How to use your Brane-Power Ammy Induction Apps — merely wear the Ammy of choice, download and run the corresponding Ammy Induction from your iPhone or Android, but then, in the middle of it, came The Announcement about SpaceBuddhaa’s resignation from the Cloister, on facebook, and I’m including some commentary on it. Relax, it’s nothing to get hung about. Read on. Continue reading

Hands-On Reincarnation Awareness


"Skeletons I Have Known & Loved" -- sculpture by EJ Gold

Have you ever “just known” something that happened so long ago your present body wasn’t even born yet?

Continue reading

What is an Induction?

Induction simply means to allow oneself to be drawn in.

It happens all the time, with every movie you watch, game you watch or play,
tv gameshow you hoot, snarl and gnash your teeth over, every soap opera
that jerks tears out of your red, swollen eyes.

You allow yourself to be drawn into theatrical plays, comic performances,
ballet, opera — every form of entertainment requires some level of voluntary
personal involvement, and that’s what’s meant by “induction”. It’s all under
your control — you have to actually work pretty hard to get inducted and even
harder to stay in the induction.

My inductions all work the same way. I merely suggest a route to follow;
whether you do or not is entirely up to you. Guidance without insistence, I
allow you to make decisions all along the way, and to operate and control
your own trip throughout the journey.

At the same time, you’ll be going along a very established route that has
been traveled by thousands before you.

The Inductions will take you from point to point along the Highway to Higher
Consciousness. At each stop, you’ll experience the equivalent of a
Chaikana, a Tea House & Shrine at which you would have stopped as a
member of an ancient caravan along the Silk Road Trade Route.

Each Caravanserai Chaikana has its own Master of Caravans and its own
Shrine, at which every visitor is expected to visit, not only for blessings but
also for a Paper of Passage, allowing one to continue through the tribal
territory to the next Caravanserai along the route.

In the same way that there are stops along the caravan trade routes, each
Induction provides the basis for the next, and serves as a stopping place to
rest, evaluate, assimilate and prepare for the furtherance of our journey.

Inductions are easy and fun, and you can, at any moment, take off the
headphones and go get a cup of hot tea and come back to it refreshed.
There’s no way to do it wrong.


You’ll know.
