Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Boobies But Were Understandably Afraid to Ask:

Well, I debated for several weeks about whether to post this or not; Rachel Bloom is a total scream, but she definitely goes over the limit, especially with her other videos. This one is the least offensive and has a lot of broad physical humor, the kind that made burlesque what it was. I think it’s mostly harmless, but it does underscore the interests of humans, flat or round, and illuminates the chief sport of biped males — to touch a stranger’s boobs. I guess it sort of makes sense — there is little else to provide amusement for the 60-90 years you have to wait to die.

See You At The Top!!!


Hitman Hilarious


Couldn’t resist posting this piece of hysterically hilarious nonsense from several of the best. Note please the timing, simultaneity and in some cases precognition that takes place in this stunningly effective exercise. I’ve used it in workshops, and if you have instinctives doing the thing, it works amazingly well to reveal the spontaneous and the ingenious — in the old “genie” sense of the word. It takes a tremendous amount of combined skills to do what they’re doing — language, history, music, styles and a never-ending well of rhyming combinations, not to mention a staggering supply of energy and supple muscles. Enjoy. I’m going back to staging and shooting my latest, the Norton St. Tarot Deck, screenshot entirely in Norton Street Orb, coming soon to your local grocer!

See You At The Top!!!
