A Remedy For FEAR!


Fear is Your Friend

Sure, there’s a remedy for fear — actually, several. One is to ignore the fear, just carry on as if that crippling debility wasn’t happening. Another way to deal with fear is to confront it. Still another method of handling fear is to overcome it.

I recommend none of the above. Fear is a wild animal, to be tamed but never civilized. There is really only one way to handle fear, and that is to thoroughly master it, make it yours, own it.

The best way to own something is to actually own it.

Oh, I know that sounds ridiculously self-evident, but it isn’t, and you mustn’t dismiss it with a toss of the head, especially if you have no neck.

That condition is not as rare as you might think. If you travel 1 mile over the speed limit anywhere even somewhat rural, and you’ll run into law officers, generally named “Bubba”, and they have no neck, as the Ghostbusters described the New York official. But what about fear??? Continue reading