Great New GODD™ Titles!

I’m preparing for your entertainment, amusement and edification a bunch of AD 2022 video game (VG) releases —  some 30-odd new games — along with which I’ll revive and restore a resurrected group of “goddgame” classics, updated with the latest game technology and fun resources.

I thought they would go well on, and that’s where you should be able, very soon now, to find them for download, at a lousy $3.99 per game, which is the low end of indie game pricing, except for the cookie-cutter games, which are merely mods of existing games. Continue reading

Character Class Rundown for the GODD Engine

laugh your ass off playing fartbomb, the latest wild and crazy game from goddgames.
laugh your ass off playing fartbomb, the result of years of gorbyscience.

OSELCHAR controls the size and appearance of the Avatar, plus the speed of movement on X, Y & Z vectors, the height and width of the actual object, the weight — more properly, the mass, which is independent of gravity as a relative measure — the rate of turn, and a whole lot more character detail.

The OSELCHAR (Object Select Character) can be triggered by any TAG issued by a variety of possible contact points, such as an OTAGSW, WTAGSW or RTAGSW and more triggering agents abound.

The OSELCHAR can bring about many changes in the character. We can upgrade armor, weapons, hats, you name it, but each upgrade requires a lot of hidden behind-the-scenes programming. Continue reading