Trump’s Presidential Reality Show

Portals are everywhere, if you need to leave Earth rather unexpectedly.

Why do I endanger myself by speaking out? Believe me, it’s far more dangerous to remain silent in the face of tyranny than it is to stand up and be counted, and that’s what you should be doing today, marching in Washington.

My whole family decided to march with the pro-environment people today. They’re planning to join the Peoples Climate Movement’s March on Washington and even now, as I write this, they’re only four miles out of Seattle!

If you think back on it, there hasn’t been a single day — actually, not a single HOUR — during which Donald Trump dominated the news and created breaking news his own self. His whole purpose seems to be to stay at the top of the news, and he manages to do just that, if with nothing else, his zanier and stupider tweets.

There’s nothing like a puffed-up bigot making more complaining noises than a garbage truck on a formerly quiet suburban street, at five o’clock in the morning.

In Russia, the sentiment is “Enough Trump!”

Even THEY are tired of seeing his little squinty eyes and puckered mouth shouting stupidities and struggling with real and imaginary enemies on all sides, plus top & bottom.

Poor Donald says he “misses his old life” and finds being President “harder than he expected.” He in fact thought it would be as easy as his reality show, and frequently returns to his campaign mode in a pathetic attempt to gain “ratings”, the only means by which he measures his success.

The real problem is not with Trump — he’s a victim of his own chat-bot programming and can’t help what he says, does, thinks or feels.

If you’re looking for something other than a chat-bot in Donald Trump, you’ll be wasting your time and effort. The little red switch on the back of his head tells the story. Continue reading



Sorry if you’re a Christian, and you got scared by my previous blog. I was being amusingly speculative, but even had I not been playfully toying with the thought experiment, “What Happened to the Christians?”, it would have nothing to do with YOU.

I guarantee that even if you wore an 8″ solid silver filigree cross vividly displayed and wore a tee shirt that said, “Ask Me About Jesus”, you’d be excluded from that exclusive club. No matter how you try to look, act, sound and smell like them, you’ll always be an outsider.

It’s not about Christianity, it’s about racism and hate groups, and preachers who preach hate. Unfortunately, humans are all-too-ready to be told what to do.

Mindless robots, relentless zombies, egotistical level bosses make a real double-socko combination-punch to the medulla oblongata! Continue reading


Presidential Ban on ALL Video Games!

If you don’t speak up now, you never will get the chance. Soon you will be disallowed from commenting on, or criticizing, Donald Trump. It will be LAW, and you will risk Federal Imprisonment for violating the “Presidential Critics Law of 2017”, if I remember rightly, and there’s no reason to suppose I do.

Like I’ve said before, I failed “Earth History 201”, which is the history of the human species on planet Earth during the 21st and 22nd century, and I’m in this Earth Simulation that you call “Reality”, to find out WHY Donald Trump is called “Trump the Rump”, what is the meaning of “Trumpism”, how did he get into power, and why people hated him so much.

Donald Trump is the first U.S. President to be featured in over 1,000 video games to date, and he is pissed off about it, even though some of them are positive, some even wildly so, with Nazi Storm Troopers at your disposal to wipe out all those inferior races. Continue reading