Run For The Hills!!!

Resist the impulse to join in the violence. Remain calm, steady and peaceful.

Run for the hills? Not quite yet. We have yet to hear from the majority, which up until now has been notably silent, docile and willing to take it on the chin, but apparently, that’s about to change, with Resistance Demonstrations all over the United Snakes, and all over the planet, decrying the madness of Trump.

In my world, “Trump” is a scary and funny rubber kids’ Halloween mask, and part of the common phrase, “Trump You!”. Frankly, I don’t care, do you???

Like I’ve said billions of times before, that’s just local politics, in which off-worlders never get involved, both by ethical law and by personal experience.

So while the Athenians and the Spartans are battling it out, grunting and sweating in the baking sun and sand of the senate floor, let’s make a buck.

Sounds cynical? No, what sounds, and is, cynical is the bull-puckey coming from the Snake Party writhing around on the floor of the Senate, and the robotic applause for Trump that comes from the stink-hole of the House of Reprehensibles.

I used to think of Congress as “not a bad sort, not actually criminal”, but now I’m not so sure. The thing is, they’re now yanking us poor and minority folks around for their amusement and personal gain, when they steal our social security funds and our retirement funds and our medical benefits all for the sake of their personal enrichment, and then trample on all our American values and freedoms and then deny non-white Christians their vote, and destroy the democracy from the top down, heck-darn, that’s when I say “enough is enough”, whatever that means.

I can’t and won’t be driven into violent action, yet I’m obligated to protect my family and home, am I not?

But I have no voice, no power, no bully-pulpit and no money with which to fight, and I’m unable and unwilling to use a weapon of any kind, with the singular exception of comedy — so what can I really do to protect myself and my family from Trump and his Minions?

What can I do to stop the constant chatter of “Trump, Trump, Trump”??? Continue reading

Escape Planet Trump Today

You can escape from Planet Trump right now, today, if you really feel the pressure, and if you haveĀ  an ounce of intelligence, you will be feeling the pressure right about now, from the anti-intellectual crowd.

They mean you no good. There’s no help or hope from Congress — they’re too hungry for votes and too concerned about their own welfare to do anything to stop the Holy Terror from lashing out anymore.

The punishment continues unabated, with no hope of an end to the misery and suffering to the Constitution and the American values we thought were guaranteed, but they’re clearly not. Continue reading