When transcending compound-complex wave-forms, you’ll want a Resonance Factor of about 10.0 with a Beat-Frequency Oscillation of zero or about zero.
Jiggle & Bounce are two factors you’ll want to note, both results of integrated and differential vector analyses. The Vagueness and Weirdness of the quantum world will cloud up any ordinary results.
Non-located vibration sources require harmony, hence harmonic tuning is indicated when riding a continuous wave in a diodal formation.
Essence Memory is the footprint of all your memories of all your lifetimes and non-meat excursions, meaning spirit flights during intermission or interregnum.
Pitch, Roll & Yaw are automatically adjusted in-flight. You don’t have to do anything to correct them.
Remember that there are eleven different directions, or “dimensions”, including upness, downness, sideness, deepness, timeness, in-ness, outness, and a few more to contend with when voyaging in any dimension.
Frequency Shift through Parallel or Serial Universes can be transcended. Continue reading