Want Some Money?

I make all the amulets custom, to your order.

If you help me spread the Blessings, and you give everything away, you’ll soon be unable to continue, unless you have an independent and unlimited source of income.

If you’re not in that particular boat, you’ll quickly understand the need for some sort of income that you can either earn without participating at all except to cash the check, or something that in itself earns some sort of income or at the very least, pays for itself.

I’m in that last category. I don’t need to make a profit, but I do need to cover my costs, so I can continue doing what I’m doing, which is sending out Blessings in a variety of guises, to everyone I know.

Hopefully, you’ll catch the spirit of the thing, and start helping me find homes for my various Blessings items, including pendants, lockets, rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, armbands, tiaras, money clips, tie tacks, treasure boxes, mala beads, Orbs, Godd™ Particles, craft kits, and so much more. Continue reading

What is Enlightenment?

Where to find Enlightenment? Perhaps in this oil refinery at night???

Anyone making an actual attempt to arrive at Enlightenment will probably have some sort of definition of Enlightenment, or at least a vague and blurry concept of what it will be like to be Enlightened.

So, that’s the first thing to throw out of your head. Here’s the routine:

  • Forget what you’ve heard about Enlightenment.
  • Forget what you believe about Enlightenment.
  • Forget the definitions of Enlightenment you may have heard or self-realized.

Enlightenment must not be defined, because it’s not a product, it’s a process. The slow process of Enlightenment starts with a First Step. Continue reading

Feel The Freedom!

EJ Gold and Robert Anton Wilson talk about Enlightenment at a conference.

What is Enlightenment? Getting lighter. That means less weight on your shoulders, but it also means more light in your life, meaning higher vibrations of sound, which is, of course, light. Continue reading

Screwing Up Bigtime

You can have the greatest product or service in the world, something that everyone would love to have or do or have done, but if nobody knows about it, you might as well have nothing.

That’s what’s happening now.

Our gallery is scheduled for the Art Walk, which is where local artists sell MOST of their year’s work.

Problem is, the paperwork is still undone, long after the FINAL DUE DATE, because no one has taken JUST A LITTLE responsibility for putting that paperwork through, and repairing mistakes later.

Nobody did it.

Oh, sure, they send e-mails, text messages, insta-grams saying they just can’t handle it, and everyone reads them, but nobody takes action, because nobody wants to risk failure, thus guaranteeing failure.

So we’re currently MAYBE in the Art Walk. They’re holding the papers for us until we can get our shit together enough to tell them what we sell and who we are.

Christ, it never had to get this far, but it needs fixing — and fast — within 24 hours of now. Frankly, it should have been handled within hours of first receiving the application, where you track down every fact you need, right then and there, no delay, no prevarication, no dangling it out for someone else to resolve, because they’ll just pass it on like you did.

Abdicating Responsibility is not a good way to do business, nor is it a good way to behave in general. Nobody takes responsibility, nobody takes action, and nobody notifies anyone that there will be serious and costly consequences, and then shit-hits-fan and there’s shit all over the place. Continue reading

Ready to Give Up???

That beautiful pre-war Leica iii-C was the best 35mm camera I ever used, and I still have it, courtesy Army Security Agency, Fort Devens, Mass.

On Tax Day, April 15, 2017 many tens of thousands of angry taxpayers took to the streets in protest. They pay taxes every year, Donald Trump has never paid a penny of tax in his entire life, and he uses up taxpayer money like water, as you’ve seen.

Did Emperor Donald take this seriously? Did he see the handwriting on the wall?

Of course not.

I told you before, with all due respect, Donald Trump is clinically insane which, if he didn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger, would be no big deal.

As I’ve said before, he’s an NPD, a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which doesn’t listen and doesn’t respect or trust others, and there’s no cure for NPD, none whatsoever.

Trump tweeted — of course he tweeted, what else would you expect??? — that ALL the demonstrators who marched on Tax Day were paid actors.

Oh, yeah? Nobody paid ME to protest, and I’m protesting plenty, while I still can, because I KNOW that within days or weeks, my ability to do could be seriously reduced by the Gestapo or worse, an Agency Setup.

As a graduate of two Unnamed Agencies and one that appears in my service records, the Army Security Agency, I know what their mindset is, and my continued survival and ability to publish is not among their top concerns.

In short, I’m expendable as hell.

I take a hell of a chance singing songs of protest, writing poems, blogs and video game levels that make fun of Donald Trump, but I’ve always said, if I’m to be hanged as a horse-thief, I’ll at least have the horse. Continue reading

Using a Gaming Orb to Trigger Magical Effects

Gorby’s Place is a feature on my quantum version of Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.

One of the most unusual of times is that in which computers exist and games are tolerated, which happens all too seldom, what with the wide variety of repressive governments in place all over the galaxy, but at least for the moment, we can make Orbs and you’re allowed to download and install them, although for how long that will be is anybody’s guess.

Of course, “approved” games will always be available, but you won’t want to play them, and besides, my “games” are not really games at all — they merely rely on a gaming engine to deliver them and make them useful to you. Continue reading


My Trump Model behaves pretty much as the original does, including “KMB” poses.


At one end of the Ballroom, you’ll note a small closet, within which is tucked a skeleton. How proverbial is that? Can you think of another word for “Thesaurus”? What if there were no rhetorical questions? If a cat and a banana traveled East on a train from Chicago to New York at an average of 90 mph in a stiff wind, how many chickens were left at the end of the run?

And that’s the kind of polite chatter you’d be likely to expect from the Washington crowd, most of whom are lawyers without a practice. You can’t come across a band of worse thugs than that, and when they get together, it’s called “Congress” — aptly named, I think, for the kind of thing they do to the country.

The Ballroom is very valuable as a venue for speakers, poets, protest songsters and theater and dance presentations, all of which are Spiritual Enlightenment Technology directed at the leader and leadership of this once-great nation.

If you didn’t used to be, but now you are ashamed to be an American, it’s time to take some positive action, and this is it. Get into the Ashram and start pushing those vibes out at the Washington politicians who aren’t listening on any other level. Continue reading


At the airfield on the way to the White House for lunch and meditation.


The Oval Office Project is a non-political, non-sectarian effort to raise the consciousness of the entire staff of the White House, the President’s consciousness and the consciousness of any visitors who happen to wander through on the White House Tour, which won’t be so easy to get on these days, I suspect.

By now, even the most hardened Right-Wing Republican who finds himself to the far right of John Birchers has seen the evidence — President Trump is downright crazy, totally out of control, completely off his rocker, and he has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

Technically speaking, he’s a Classic NPD — Narcissistic Personality Disorder — with a colossal ego inflation and a blustering low-life crudity that makes even the sturdiest supporter cringe now and again. He’s a spoiled brat with his finger on the nuclear trigger.

I said this effort is Non-political, and it is. It has nothing to do with the beliefs, attitudes and party convictions of the current inhabitants of the White House. The reason that this becomes possible is that Trump’s behavior is arrogant, spiteful, childish and on the verge of an uncontrollable tantrum. Bear with me, if you’re a Trump fan, I’m merely establishing the groundwork against which one can measure success. I’ll explain further. Continue reading

Heal My Pet


It’s safe, it’s instant and it’s easy. All you do is run as your pet through the Labyrinth, taking the healing indications as they come. No experience necessary. Let me know how you do with this. If you’re inclined to do so, you could run through as “Storm” — he’s the little guy in the video. Merely press “P” to enter the name of the pet you’re running. Those who knew Stormie will readily recognize his funny run, which took four hours to get just exactly right in the model. I might be able to do a custom model and game for your pet, if wanted. The level has been tested and will be posted sometime in the next few hours.

See You At The Top


Find True Happiness, True Love & Perfected Liberation in Less Than 15 Minutes!

Tried many times to find True Happiness, True Love and/or Perfected Liberation, and failed miserably every time, right? So what makes me think you can find True Happiness now all of a sudden? I don’t only think it, I KNOW it, and I can — and will — prove it to you. But first I want you to consider — if you could have ANYTHING YOU WANTED, what precisely would it be? I have a method that helps you decide on a goal, any goal, and helps you achieve it within minutes of setting the goal.

Continue reading