My Name is Inigo Montoya…

You heard right — “My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill-ed my father. Prepare to e-die.” But when you say that, you’d better be able to back that up. My trapper assassin can take any demon or Level Boss down in a split-second, and that’s what it takes to beat this game, the faster the better.

I’ll explain how to use a game to chill yourself out and maybe even transcend organic life — bear with me a moment, while I give you a little background:

So when those flake children in Congress and the White House and the Supreme Court get finished yanking us around, it all comes down to who’s got the towel, and don’t complain now about it — you were told about the towel after Earth exploded, and again you were reminded about always knowing where your towel is. Continue reading

Get Hooked On Gaming!!!

Get the new Daytime Stalking Kit and get free from the crypt or tomb, only $19.95.


Yeah, instead of apologizing for wasting your time playing games, you ought to cultivate a gaming discipline, for the sake of health and happiness, a discipline in which you dedicate AT LEAST four hours a day to online gaming and the sooner you build it into a CONSCIOUS ADDICTION, the better. Notice that I did not tone it down by saying “Conscious Habit“, but that is of course what I mean — a deeply ingrained and unbreakable habit that one has acquired deliberately and intentionally, and that one has cultivated and deepened over the years. Continue reading