Cleansing Radiations

I’m making a series of PASSIVELY ACTIVE Cleansing Radiation Orbs, starting with Karma Wash, seen here, and tonight I’m starting to work on Cleansing Radations: Fear Reduction, which I think is very needed in this Age of Trump, especially if you’re among ANY minority, and that goes double if you’re also a progressive liberal pinko commie sympathizer, which is the standard set by Joe McCarthy to which all Senators must now pay obeisance.

Yes, obeisance. Related to fealty, don’t ya know??? This whole subject of swearing fealty is coming back with a vengeance, especially with a totally transactional group of assholes in charge of Washington’s what is laughingly called “government”. Thank the Gods we don’t get as much government as we pay for.

The current theory of government is to give all the power to Moscow Mitch McConnell, and to destroy the lives of children — not just separating immigrant kids from parents at the border, but brutally attacking the children of political rivals, including Hunter Biden and Baron Trump, of whom it has been said that you can name him Baron, but you can’t make him one.

I noted a particularly dirty moment yesterday, when the Evil Countess Donnie Trump attacked a climate change activist, as a matter of fact, a minor, a 16 year old girl, but this is not the first time he’s done that, I’m sure. Continue reading

Get Hooked On Gaming!!!

Get the new Daytime Stalking Kit and get free from the crypt or tomb, only $19.95.


Yeah, instead of apologizing for wasting your time playing games, you ought to cultivate a gaming discipline, for the sake of health and happiness, a discipline in which you dedicate AT LEAST four hours a day to online gaming and the sooner you build it into a CONSCIOUS ADDICTION, the better. Notice that I did not tone it down by saying “Conscious Habit“, but that is of course what I mean — a deeply ingrained and unbreakable habit that one has acquired deliberately and intentionally, and that one has cultivated and deepened over the years. Continue reading

Addiction, you say???

DISCLAIMER: Okay, under the pressure of tons of requests for it, I’m blasting away at “Addiction”. It’s a bit of a bear, however, I think I have a handle on it at the moment. I’ll be producing the custom soundbytes for the Addiction Orb tonight, and should have it ready for testing here in the Barn by tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. After that, it’s about 8 hours before it’s bundled into its installer and all that. In the meantime, it suddenly occurs to me that you might not know exactly how the Addiction Orb works and what it’s meant to do …

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Thank You, Doctor Freud

“What’s this?” “What do I do now?” “Where am I?” “What’s happening?” “How should I think about this?” “What does it mean???” “Where do I go now?” “Tell me what to do!”

If you’ve ever coached someone who keeps asking questions throughout the Prosperity Path Run, looking to get you to take responsibility for their actions, you’ll appreciate this answer I gave to someone this morning…

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