What is the “432 Hz Conspiracy?” you may well ask, particularly if you’re actively searching the internet these days, what with every conspiracy theory that ever walked the face of the Earth spawning new heads everywhere you look.
In short, we’re in the Age of Madness, where conspiracies are everywhere, and the governments are all shady and mysterious and definitely not on our side.
What, you’re just now finding that out??? What planet have you been living on?
But the theory that all modern music is evil, and that it’s all part of a Nazi plot to make zombies out of us all, this is just plain friggin’ nuts, and I’ll be only too happy to explain exactly why all these conspiracy mongering fakes are heaving shovels-full of bull and horse puckey — perhaps with a little chicken poop to go along with that.
Okay, I said I’ll explain, and I will. Here goes: Continue reading