Spent another six delightful hours on the angel orb, only now it’s called “Virtual Cathedral” as you can see on the loading screen. I’ll probably spend another hundred hours on it to get it just right. It contains all the angels necessary for a first-class convocation. You get two tiers to fill with angels, one God Almighty, plus all the gear you need to operate a full-scale cathedral, such as dozens of ammies, magical staff, wand, Matrix, SuperBeacon, Tesla Radio, plus miles and miles of catacombs, where you will find all manner of things for your Virtual Cathedral. Some things can be duped, but not angels. You will have to pick each one up individually, put it in your engie knapsack and carry, drop and place each angel in the chapel area, along with all the other paraphernalia of cathedral spaces. Paraphernalia used to mean “stuff”, like “bong” used to be what you did on the radiator to get the janitor to send up more heat. Like I said, you’ll find a large selection of Cathedral Paraphernalia. I’ll be completing Virtual Cathedral sometime this week, after which I’ll consider a Virtual Synagogue, Virtual Mosque, Virtual Temple with a much more generous selection of Gods and Goddesses, Virtual Pueblo Kiva, and Virtual Stonehenge with models made from actual Stonehenge artifacts. You can have any House of Worship from me; if enough folks ask for it, I’ll make it. If nobody asks for it and I want to do it, I’ll make it also, such as my latest fun project, Virtual Alchemical Laboratory.
See You At The Top!!!