Quantum-Entanglement Coins

Well, at last, Science Has a Word For It: Entanglement. Quantum Entanglement is all the rage these days; it’s even the basis for a sort of faster-than-light pocket calculator. Heck-darn, my Home Planet has had QE gadgets on the store shelves for millions of your local years (one rotation around your nearest star, “Sol”). Quantum Entanglement Coins are coins that have somehow gotten entangled with something or someone or somewhere. Look for my L315a and other Target Prosperity Paths in a variety of stunningly beautiful “almost-perfect” Quantum Entanglement Coins in my eBay store. If you understand Quantum Entanglement, you understand how my QE Coins work. I have several rare ancient coins coming up that can get you QE’d with several well-known ancient healers, plus a medieval coin that generally can’t be found, because it’s below the radar of collectors, that can hook you up with Vlad the Impaler, another that’s Quantum-Entangled with Queen Elizabeth, but she’s not on the coin — it’s from an earlier time, but is somehow couple-factored with her presence, of course within her “time-frame”, as explained in my photo book, SlimeWars. QE Coins can be targeted to any reality stream or life-chain. They’re typically named by the Orb name run with their aid. More about this later.

See You At The Top!!!
