The reason US coinage works so well is that Alchemists were in control of the very first American Post-Colonial Federal Mints. Ben Franklin wasn’t the only Freemason aka Rosicrucian High Initiate; there were plenty of them, and they were most of the Federal Government of the period. Dolly Madison was a practicing Pagan, in continual terror of exposure and personal ruin, and goodness knows who else was into what! Copper is the basic stuff of which dreams are made. Silver also works well in Lunar applications. Gold has properties that can directly cause Quantum Entanglement — hence wedding and engagement rings, twin heart pendants, figa, corno and other instruments of warding and connecting, both variants being two sides of one coin. Speaking of coins…
Coinology is actually a practical spiritual science. It works and it works well, mostly through applications of two primary principles of magic/physics/chemistry/theatre:
Quantum Entanglement=Law of Contagion — That which has once been in contact with someone or something will always be in contact unless specific action is taken to cut the Quantum Entanglement (see my upcoming Orb “Delete”, which helps you to take this one-time action to cut QE on any Object, ie; Person, Place or Thing.).
Kabbalistic Notation=Law of Similarity — That which is like Something Else IS That Thing; The Name of the Thing is The Thing Itself; Everything is Everything Else.
There’s so much to convey about coinology, especially when used in conjunction with the other Primary Shamanic Tools — Matrix, SuperBeacon, Ammy, Orbs and Altar. Powerhouse mixture creating superaware scientifically and thoroughly modern conceptual homes for previously dormant Visitors From Elsewhere…that’d be you, me and pretty much everyone in the small circle of friends. It has often been said,The Essence of your Life is described by the Company you Keep.
Copper is the metal that conducts electricity so well that it’s still in use, 35,000 years later — yes, those are the batteries found at Sumer, but the science of batteries, electricity and electroplating dates all the way back to Lung-Shan, Shao-D’ung and Gilan Province, and don’t go into your pseudo-science gear-up with “That’s impossible!” Bull-pucky, that’s impossible. I saw it. I was there.
And so were you, if you could only remember it.
Of course, it’s not all that hard to recall past lives. Thousands have done it with my Orbs, now climbing into the tens of thousands, and you can, too. But merely remembering past lives does nothing to remedy the situation; you also need Willpower and High Attention in order to take affirmative action.
My biggest single day download, 3 million in less than eight hours, was for a modest game called “Paparazi”. I’ll be updating it with all the particle and physics magic we’ve developed since its release over a decade ago. If you played it then, you’ll be astonished at what our new GODD Gaming Engine can do!
I’m not selling the engine; we have no commercial interest in developing games; in my hands, the engine and editor are strictly work tools. But boy, are some of those Orbs beautiful.
See You At The Top!!!