ESCAPE! Videos #5

Wow, here it is — it’s only ESCAPE! Videos #5, and we’re already starting to sag at the seams, eh? You know, it’s not that easy finding videos that hold together for most of the time — there are always those last-minute commercials and appeals to subscribe, but by and large, you’re left to your own devices, with the exception of the fact that youtube insists on feeding you things that are similar to what you’ve already found.

It’s doubly hard to get out from under that anticipation that I’m going to want the same exact thing over and over again, which is not at all my plan.

My plan is to find videos that you would never have found on your own, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is, who has the time?

Well, I’ll tell you who has the time. An 81 year old with a penchant for technological fun, that’s who. Or is it “whom”?’

You don’t need to waste your time looking for golden nuggets in the wasteland — that’s my job.

Your job is to get away from Planet Earth, using my ESCAPE! pods. Try this one, where you have a Japanese musician trying a waltz arrangement with a traditional Chinese instrument. This is one that I’ll bet dollars-to-donuts that you’d never have found on your own.

The only reason I have it is because I used my special patented Shamanic Magic-Find Search Method to track it down.

That’s how I get these incredible journeys for you to enjoy every single day! Make your day a whole lot brighter with my ESCAPE! Videos.

I try to nail things as they come out, and this is one of those times, but occasionally I’ll include something older. That’s not the case right now — this is hot off the press!

These examples show the variety of music that’s coming out every day — so much that it’s impossible to keep up with the tens of thousands of releases every day.

Now, that’s funny in small doses, but imagine an entire hour of that stuff — impossible. So here’s a break in that line of logic, toward a whole different outcome and experience:

That’s the kind of humor I appreciate the most. It’s hard to perform things like this in the face of utter indifference and absolute ignorance. Still, there are a few morals remaining who understand  the language of Shakespeare’s time.

Yep, you guessed it — I added yet another video, and once you get all the way through it, you’ll understand why I just couldn’t leave it out of today’s list.

That’s the bunch. I hope you enjoyed it.

See You At The Top!!!
