How to FORGET the Civil War

Sure, everyone knows it’s coming, but nobody can do anything to stop it from happening, and that’s a direct result of the MoveAct Code that governs all NPCs and Zombies.

Players have reality and volition, but flatties can’t do anything but what they do — just a few lines of code and that’s it: “Go to the beach. Go to parties. Go to weddings, funerals, baseball, football and soccer games, fight with friends, argue about who likes whom, sit around and guzzle beer and watch something on the giant video screen.”

There are a few more MoveAct Codes that can be happening, such as “Have another tailgater, pile into another bar and dance on another crowded wooden floor. Pack a couple of carryon luggage gear, and take off on a cross-country flight  to visit some relatives — walk through a busy, crowded international airport if you can.”

Oh, wait — there are a few more MoveAct Code instructions: “Go to your favorite restaurant, gymnasium or beauty parlor, and do this many times. Send your unmasked kids to VAX-resistant schools and wait for the deadly result. Take your entire family on a three-week ocean cruise and finish up at Disneyland.”

All this and more.

If you’re smart, you see it coming, and you’ve already taken swift and decisive action, like stashing away huge piles of Charmin toilet paper and plenty of trade goods like chocolate, rice, beans and broccoli and hiding in your basement, attic or underground bomb shelter.

You should also be amassing a small fortune in pre-war coins. Actually, ANY coin you see lying about is technically a pre-war coin, because the Second Civil War hasn’t happened yet, but don’t just grab up handfuls of pocket change — I’d be concerned about condition, condition, condition, and I’m always partial to pennies.

Of course, none of that will do you any good in the end, and coins themselves will soon be a thing of the past, as pennies are today in Canada, although when it comes to Canadian Collectibles, who cares?

I’m just joking — I have a pair of Canadian dime earrings in sterling silver for only $89, discounted to $69.95 while they last. Actually, I only have two pair. Two pairs? No, it’s two pair.

Who wants yucky pre-war pocket change, when the coins have been exposed to covid and other nasty diseases for months or years?

No problem, avoid all cash. Crypto currency will soon be accepted everywhere.

Crypto currency allows you to instantly turn your cellphone into a slot machine — a one-armed bandit — and you can log onto the sports bookies to play the horses or lose a fortune at the turn of a virtual wheel.

Poker, Blackjack, Keno, Slots, Craps, anything you can find on a casino floor will be right there on your phone at the touch of a button.

Too bad if you’re a gambling addict. You have no chance in this world. The slots are everywhere, all around you, even on your cellphone. Just click here.

Actually, videogames in which you can spend money is the next big jump in video game design, but again, with the world blowing up all around you, what are you going to do to spend the virtual money you make?

The whole ding-dang world is about to blow up, not just a small part of it — the real question is, “Can you make from this a living?”.

If the answer is “no”, you’re not the only one in that particular jam, and luckily for you, there is a solution. Actually, there are several solutions, but only one of them is 100% guaranteed survivable, and that’s the option I suggest.

If you’re of the opinion that nothing of the sort is happening, you have the option to ignore this warning and the resulting suggestion of options.

My suggestion is that you perform your spiritual work quickly, get it done, don’t assume you have plenty of time, because you don’t. Even at best, life is very short. Your lazy nature might give you a fight here, but nothing you can’t handle.

Did you know that you can use the GODD engine & editor to create your own unique virtual sculptures? If you’re an artist, you can see in a minute that you’re going to save a lot of money on mold-making, bronze-casting and acid-bathing, not to mention the shipping.

Make and sell your virtual sculptures! I’ve done it, and it sure beats working. We can help you with this when you come to a zoom meeting.

First action is to download the beginner builder’s packs on Etsy, and then get yourself to a work meeting where you can quickly learn how to use it to make extreme and elegant worlds.

You can buy the BlueLine Secrets workbook on Etsy, and I’ll be going over the chapters one by one in our zoom meetings.

Make out a work-sheet for your work efforts, and keep them simple and achievable on a daily basis — don’t give yourself a goal further away than 24 hours, because you really don’t know how much time you have, and goals need to be immediate in order to be effective at creating willpower to work on something which is clearly and obviously futule, but of course, you do it anyway.

One feature of life under a dictatorship is … oh, wait — you don’t think that’s going to happen, you say? It can’t happen here? Oh, okay, so wait until it happens and THEN do something to make it not happen if you can.

If I had to bet, I’d  be putting my money on “overwhelm”.

A huge number of creeps are ready to overwhelm you if you allow them to ride over you without a struggle. They’re just 72 million paper tigers that you can safely ignore.

The best remedy for overwhelm is readiness. Stand down and stand by, is what I say, and you can quote me on that — in fact, several folks already have.

So why am I laughing at the assholes who drove us into the ditch?

Because I know what happens, and they’re not going to like it.

How to be Ready for the Zomby Apokkalips:

Get my game-makers and make some worlds into which you can temporarily escape. Spend as much time there as you can. Stay there if possible. Never go into the real world again. Stay virtual. Just some good healthy advice — take it as you can.

My virtual worlds are populated with exact replicas of the aforementioned assholes and creeps, and you can put as many of them into one spot as you like.

It’s thoroughly possible to wipe out a band of 30 zombies at a time, maybe more. You can cookie-stamp a million of them into your Orb if you want to — see if I care.

The psychological effect of reducing a zillion zombies to dust is invigorating and refreshing, to say the least. I highly recommend blowing a few hundred zombies into the Void, every two hours, and call me in the morning.

It really IS a remedy for all the misery that those creeps are imposing upon us, and you’ll feel a LOT better with several thousand virtual dead bodies lying in a heap behind you, and you’ll be even more impressed with that when those zombies are YOUR zombies in one of YOUR horror-laden levels!


That’s the best part — there’s no gore, no blades, no guns, no firearm violence of any kind.

It’s all magical weapon effects.

The zombies just fold up and crumple to the ground when they’re blasted with one or more of the ten magical weapons you have at your disposal.

Now, if you want more than just zombies in your levels, you’ll need the MONSTER PACK that I sell on Etsy. It’s not ready yet, or it’d be up there with the other things.

What you do is, you create a GODD directory, inside which you create a Models folder as well as a half-dozen other folders to hold your GODD resources.

Don’t panic, it’s easy as pie, and you’ll need to do it a hundred times, so you might as well learn it now, and learn it rightly.

Actually, the requirements I put forward for you to successfully use the GODD engine and editor are just the most basic computer skills you can acquire, but they don’t come without a price — you do need to apply yourself to the task, not just fall on your face into the custard pie.

You won’t be able to concentrate deeply enough or squeeze your attention into a tiny little crack in the Voidness of the Void in order to create a GODD Orb unless you can compartmentalize your attention strictly into the box, meaning you can successfully block out the donkey-braying and elephant-tooting going on all around you.

If it gets too frustrating and you’re afraid you’re likely to act out, you can create a game in which you beat those monsters down, but one word of advice — don’t share it out. Just use it for your own blowout fantasy escapes.

I made one game for myself where I can blow away stupids, while smarties are unharmed. How can I tell them apart? Simple. Buddy Hackett had the answer when he was asked how he could tell that someone was a Catholic, or whatever it was. Just shoot in every direction, and anything I happen to hit, is a stupid.

Sure, I know that’s not nice, but neither are they.

One thing I know — At least one Washington Politician has hurt me plenty, and I can’t hurt him back. You call that a fair game?

Voting is your real weapon in this war, but most folks will stay at home and bitch and gripe about it rather than vote — it’s just too much trouble.

If you’ve ever lived in a dictatorship, like I have, you’ll soon realize that it’s quite survivable, but you won’t like what you have to do in order to survive.

It’s kind of like being swept up in a mob — you find yourself yelling their slogans and helping to carry their banners, or you die right there on the spot.

It’s gotten that dangerous, and only working in video game land will keep those wolves away until they actually get to your door, in which case, it’s too late.

I could easily make videogames that make fun of those creeps, but I’d have to make hundreds of them, because they’ve come out of the woodwork for the past five years, and they keep coming, like cockroaches pouring out of a knothole — there’s just too many of them, but I’m prepared to take ten of them down at a time, but of course that’s only in a videogame.

So instead of making “revenge games” like most game developers, I’m concentrating on making TOOLS for YOU to make games.

You will really appreciate the ability to leave this world without going anywhere.

See You At The Top!!!
