Trump Who???

I’m sorry … you mentioned someone or something called a “trump”, and I don’t recall ever hearing the word, although there is, back in the 37th century, a mysterious latex hand-colored Halloween mask from the 21st century, and on the base of the neck it’s stamped, “TRUMP”, but until now, I had no idea it was an actual person.

Well, not an ACTUAL person, but he does sort of look somewhat life-like on TV, although I’m told he gives away his robot nature by the way he doesn’t look straight at you.

Kinda like the classic case of the average purse-snatcher, although I understand his snatching is aimed slightly lower down.

It may very well be that Trump achieves his kingship, but we will have the last laugh. There are forces in the world over which nobody — no one living, at least — has any control.

Let’s Review My Options:

  • GREAT BIG FLOOD — You’d think that in a world-wide planetary disaster like The Great Flood of B.C. 10,432 there’s be no human survivors, although there’d be no reason to take the fish aboard the Ark. Problem with Great Floods is that there’s always some asshole who’s built a goddam Ark, and who manages to survive and to repopulate the planet with more damn humans.
  • GIANT METORITE IMPACT — I’ve always favored the meteoritic impact over a flood, just because it’s so damn spectacular. Of course, a flood makes big waves and all that, but it just isn’t the pyrotechnics I’ve grown accustomed to seeing at the end of whatever world happens to be running at the time.
  • PANDEMIC — As you see, it’s almost impossible to wipe out every living human being on the planet with a simple pandemic — you need at least TWO pandemics and Trump being twice as stupid in order to see any palpable results.
  • WORLD DEPRESSION — Not just a recession — they never work. Even a grand worldwide depression isn’t going to eliminate every last human on planet Earth, and that IS the goal, try to remember. We’re here to see a bomber, which means the end of human life, not merely Western Civilization, primitive as it may be.
  • BLACK HOLE — Allowing the idiots at Fermi Labs to continue to create miniature black holes will surely eventually lead to the collapse of planet Earth into a tiny ball of gravity that eventually sucks in the entire solar system and half the Western Rim of the Galaxy “Milky Way”.
  • GREY GOO — Releasing a DNA agent that instantly converts any living tissue into a simple Grey Goo, a huge puddle of slime and sensibility, might have a chilling effect on the national political ratings, but will hardly answer as a universal obliteration machine. We have to be more creative.
  • PEOPLE — Yes, I thing that’s the answer. Nobody needs to set any destructive forces in motion. Just allow the humans to do unto themselves, before others have a chance to do unto them back.

That’s  the new Golden Rule — “Do Unto Others Before They Have a Chance to Do Unto You.”

That rule was laid down by modern humans practicing a strange form of spiritual domination, but it quickly dissolves in the face of human activity, which more or less resembles that of an Ant Hill, but with far less significance and meaning.

Working on some videos for ejgoldguru channel on youtube, which I hope you will help me promote.

Worth mentioning:

I have a LOT of ancient artifact that I’ll be offering for sale over the next few weeks, mostly on eBay. If you have any interest, let me know BEFORE I list them, okay?

My big solid sterling silver bracelets are for sale. They’re hand-hammered and engraved and, of course, signed. Originally gallery-priced at $275.00, they’re available at an ultra-reasonable $125. Specify small, medium, large, or extra- large wrist size. I can adjust them somewhat.

Oh, yes, also worth mentioning are a group of Roman Bronze household pieces and objects of daily use — about 100 of them, at various very fair and reasonable prices. Inquire BEFORE I make the extra effort to list them, okay?

Gotta run, breakfast and ICW up just ahead on the time-track.

See You At The Top!!!
