Life in a Box Chapter 21

Yes, it’s the same graphic as the other one, but this offers lessons, and wisdom, and that’s something you can’t beat on the open market.

The upshot is always a great way to capture the visual attention, and that’s something you should be super-aware of when you use ashram screenshots to create social media marketing buttons like this one.

Keep in mind that you’re trying to create an EXPERIENCE here, not just convey information or techniques.

The whole idea is to USE the time you have to WORK on yourself — it’s free time, something like you had when you were a teenager and young adult.

There was a time when you had the time to study. This is the second, and probably last, completely FREE time you’ll have to study and work.

I’d take advantage of it, unless you think there are going to be a series of catastrophes allowing you some free time?

So ask yourself a question that you would like to get answered, and create a meeting space and interest group and DISCUSS it –don’t lecture, just open up the discussion and provoke participation by asking things like, “Well, Martha, what do YOU think about that?”.

Brace yourself.

Most people don’t even realize that they are there, let alone follow the discussion. Plan to be disappointed, but don’t give up — there’s still hope that out there somewhere, you’ll find someone alive.

It’s always possible. I didn’t say probable. NATIVE intelligent life has not yet been found on Planet Earth, with the exception, like I said, of the dolphins and a few really cool whales, one of which is a Prince of Whales, another far reach for a punchline.

Yep, here’s one of those in-game virtual screenshots that’s advertising real stuff, ancient beads that came from the ground, excavated beads, taken from the clutches of bony hands, and you’re going to WEAR them???

Many folks do, and they’re not typically tomb beads, although there are some of those around, too.

Many beads are found in bead workshops or ceramic studios, unearthed during excavations, and the items are sold by the workers, who figure out ways of taking them through the inspections when they leave work for the day.

Everyone does it, and the only thing really wrong with it — they’re ALL stealing buried treasure, some with a license, some without — is that there’s no record of the finds relative to other finds on the site and to the STRATUM, or ground level, in which it was found.

That’s important to archaeologists, but frankly, they’re all a bunch of assholes anyhow and don’t know shit about ancient cultures, just about their computers and their exhibition cards.

This is an advertising button for my virtual sculpture classes, where we take basic forms like you see here and rotate them, distort them and ultimately smush them together, making original sculptural art forms that can be purchased and placed in private spaces in Second Life.

These can go onto the marketplace, so they can be sold almost anywhere online in pretty much any form.

You only get pennies for each, but it really DOES add up over time, given the popularity of your designs.

If you can use social media, you can get collectors interested in collecting your virtual art as well as actual art pieces, and you can bring in a model of your real-life thing and sell it in Second Life.

Do a video showing the item in virtual, then in actual. Make the video go viral, and boom! You’re home-free.

I only did one button like this — it’s much too wordy, but it does get across that there are a lot of things this covers.

The idea of a conversion chart like this is an old one, but new in the digital format and certainly new in the realm of virtual reality.

Virtually Real, Actually Real. Those things definitely reverse when you’re on the other end of the reality-stick.

That can happen. Don’t let it freak you out. Things go back to normal soon enough. Well, truthfully, they return to normal just in time, generally at the very last second, when you think you can’t take it another moment more.

Sure enough, it lets go.

I’ll bet dollars to donuts that you know at least one person besides yourself who wondered if they were dead.

Come to think of it, that’s a lousy bet for you to make — it costs ‘way more than a dollar for a donut these days.

Why do I risk Retribution from the Sky by spelling doughnut “donut”?

Because I’m writing for the future, not the present, and donut sticks, doughnut doesn’t.

Dough is properly pronounced “duff”.

“Sink, Sank, Sunk.”

“Drink, Drank, Drunk.”

Therefore, “Think, Thank, Thunk”.

I haven’t a clue why this button worked, but it got a LOT of attention, even from men, who don’t usually browse the places I generally put up buttons.

I guess it’s the breasts again, although with all the silicon around, who cares what the things look like?

Could just be the action — I get that with the gesture settings, but it’s tricky to set them off and then grab the snapshot.

It helps to know that you can press “SHIFT/CONTROL “S” and take the shot.

Be sure to “save AS” and assign it to the right receiving folder, in your favorite graphics drive.

Out of Body is a popular subject, but even more so, I would think, with people locked into their homes.

Now, King Donald is upset and bored, bored, bored. His attention span is that of a six-pack. So naturally, he wants to stir up the shit-stick some more, by telling people it’s okay now, go back to work.

This will set the economy back a thousand years.

You’ll wonder where it all went — it went down the drain the day Donald Trump told the doctors, “You’re Fired!”.

Apparently, that’s the only trick he knows, and America is one big reality show that he can use to grow his brand.

Hey, who is staying at his hotels right now? Who is eating at his restaurants? Who is playing at his golf courses?

That’s what will determine what happens next in America.

Meditation in virtual reality? Sure, why not? You can do anything here, and it all spills over quite nicely into the actual reality you’re so used to and find so comforting.

Actually, things are a lot nicer here. There’s no virus of any kind here to trouble you and bring you down.

There is no violence, no war, no greed, no pestilence, no hunger, no fear.

Are you homeless? For just pennies a day, your Avatar can have his, her or its very own land and furnished home, complete with a personal shrine, if desired.

There’s so much you can do in this space, but you have to see it to believe it, and experience it first-hand to really GET IT.

I do fly this HIND chopper, and strongly advise you to do the same, but you’ll have to work your way up there, starting with a much easier plane to fly.

I prefer a biplane for starters, and recommend several when you come to my flying school and take my course on how to fly in Second Life.

You’ll be amazed at how much travel time you can put onto your flying record — there are so many places to go, and so much flying to do.

Trick flying is fun, and totally safe for everyone, even observers and passers-by.

Oh, sure, there’s the occasional crash and explosion, but you walk away from it every time, no hurt, no damage, no aircraft.

It poofs when it goes up in flame, or you can delete it before anyone sees what you did.

Want to know more? Tune in to the next chapter, coming up right after this word from our sponsors.

See You At The Top!!!
