Rank Your Youtube Video #1!


That’s right — your video can rank #1, and it’s so easy to make that happen. You’ll need to achieve a certain blend of generic and specific, and that might take more than a single attempt — you’ll fail more than succeed, but in the end, you’ll win!

Intentionally Create a Viral Video

It’s not actually possible to know ahead of time which videos will go viral — it’s all a matter of a combination of intentional actions and more than a dash of happenstance, of sheer luck.

Luck is the primal factor, but if you don’t launch a LOT of videos, you’ll probably never have the sheer joy of seeing one of your stupid videos — the stupidest will triumph, of course — go totally and insanely viral, with over 6 BILLION views, and don’t think it can’t happen.

It’s all about the fluke factor.

What happens is that an Influencer with a million captive subscribers sees your vid, thinks it’s totally cool, and SHARES it with his or her audience, and wham! You’re a hit.

How likely is that to happen? Well, actually, it’s VERY damn likely, because there are a LOT of video queens out there hoping to see something splashy that they didn’t generate. A whole bunch of fashionistas have basically nothing of their own to say, and depend on YOU to provide the creative touch.

Some Insider Secrets are Confessions, Hidden or Broken Myths, Convenience, Freebies, Roadmaps, Step by Step Instructionals, Templates and how-to guides of all sorts, and they all work to make your video better, but in the end, it’s not about your video, it’s about the dark web of key words, magic phrases, meta tags, hashtags and eye-candy attention-grabbing graphics that you put to work for yourself.

Think of each video you have up there as a fishing float, at the end of which is a hook. It’s up to you to bait the hook, or it won’t get much of a catch. You need to learn how to PROMOTE your video, not just make one.

The subject matter of your video should be determined by the action online at the moment, on the day, but don’t make it too tied to the date, or you’ll lose viewer hits.

If you’re still quite lost and in the dark on these issues, come to the Labor Day Convention this next weekend, starting Friday — you don’t have to attend the entire thing, you can come and go, and if you can’t make it in person, there are going to be many online participants.

If you lack the wherewithal to attend, ask for a scholarship, and even if you can’t come here to work it off, we have jobs you can do at home!

Okay, that’s it, I’m up against the wall again, temporally speaking.

See You At The Top!!!
