Get a Job!

Want a great side-hustle?

If you’re looking for a really terrific side-hustle where you can earn extra bucks on top of your horribly miserable triple salaries from three jobs just to keep food on the table, I have an incredible suggestion, an opportunity to really get out of the box, the hole, the trap.

You can use your social media skills to make money, to help the spiritual community and a whole lot more, and the job is simple to begin with, then it gets harder but also commensurately more rewarding, as is usually the case.

The first level of work is to look and like — I’ll be only too happy to explain.

What I will do is take on the role of study group leader — I’ll assign you some online work on youtube, and you’re expected to do it.

I’ll then check your work and give you further assignments.

At first, the assignments are, as I said, very simple — look and like. What you do is, you go to the video indicated and watch the video. Near the END of the video, you should press the “LIKE” button, which is a “thumbs-up” graphic on the button.

Okay, so now go to the next one, until you have completed your day’s — or night’s — “Look & Like Assignment” — that’s the official name of the WORK exercise, and make no mistake, this is profoundly Work On Self.

Each step along the way accomplishes something in the Higher, so by indirect means, you are metaprograming your preferences and tendencies on the Essence Level, and that means personal evolution.

I’ll give you some examples:

You need to go all the way into youtube to “Like” the video — it doesn’t register from the video that’s embedded in the blog, so you need to hit the thing so you go to youtube, get it? God, I hope so — I don’t think I can explain it any better, but the end result is that you need to actually be IN YOUTUBE when you hit the thumb up button.

If you know how to share it, go ahead and do that, too. If not, wait for the later assignments, where you’ll be asked to do several more things as long as you’re in the video anyway.

Oh, by the way, if you haven’t yet subscribed to my ejgoldguru branded youtube channel, go ahead and do that right now, while you’re thinking of it.

There are literally thousands of my work videos, talks, songs, dances and other stuff lying about on youtube, some 4,000 videos to be discovered as I reawaken them from the dead zone and refurbish them into the 21st century!

In short, they look new and they have all the hooks and barbs of the fully exploited youtube video.

You don’t have to wait to be assigned to Look & Like — you can start right now, today, by going to here and just start wailing away at it, go through the whole list from OLDEST to NEWEST. Don’t try to go the other way, it won’t work past five years back.

So, in pirate terminology, you have weaponized the video and are prepared to hijack a place for it in the high-numbered video postings, and you’ll prepare to board, but remember to pillage first, then burn.

On to victory!

“May Your Video Go Viral” is as of today the OFFICIAL work battlecry! Use it, and in fact, I do hope your MANY videos go viral! Get out there and kick some ass!

See You At The Top!!!
