Besides the slew of charms, ammies, books, powders, incenses, oils, generators, candles, eggstones, crystals & wands that you’ll be picking up in the Orb, you’ll carry out a variety of quantum magical operations, mostly of the “affirmation” type, such as:
- Resist Post-Hypnotic Implants
- Resist Past Life Impactions
- Resist Intimidation (this helps against Trumpism)
- Resist Negativity
- Resist Temptation
- Resist Lies
- Resist Seduction
- Resist Stupidity (an absolute necessity in Trumpworld)
- Resist Distraction
- Resist Past Life Pain
- Resist Past Life Betrayals
- Resist Past Life Disappointments
- Resist Overwhelm
- Resist Being Run by Others
- Resist External Influences
There are more goodies embedded in the Orb, but those are the major effects you’ll be wanting.
Think about it this way — suppose you hurt your right foot, maybe stubbed your toe. No bit deal, just smarts a lot more than you think it ought to.
Well, you’d be wrong.
The foot hurts from today’s injury, but due to a peculiarity in the survival syndrome of the human biological machine, it conjures up ALL CASES of previous injury to the right foot, including all past and parallel life experiences.
This adds PHANTOM PAIN to the already existing pain of the injury.
Simplest way to reduce the pain is to remove the hooks from the past, but you want to do it gently and deftly, so the hook doesn’t rip on through the cheek, as it were.
Ordinarily, that’s a delicate magical operation, one that would require a serious adept — but because the affirmations are BUILT INTO THE ORB, you don’t have to know any more than how to keep running forward without blasting into the nearest wall.
It’s impossible to convey what happens.
If you really want to know more about it, the best thing you could do would be to run an Orb and see how it works.
I’m hoping folks will post their magical success stories on the prosperity forum, where I can read them and folks can share your experience and hopefully pass it on to others.
Our job right now is to expand our work circle and fundraise for the coming year’s work around the planet.
Enlarge the Work Circle and Make Money, not necessarily in that order. One of the ways you can help fundraise is to find folks who want to own or donate artwork to museums or to acquire a collection of important art — we have a good stock of really great art works at the gallery and in our warehouse.
Gotta run, lemme know how you’re doing with these Orbs.
I’ll be releasing a very enhanced version of “Influence 3 Extreme” today. Watch for it, get it, run it, you’ll love it.
Sure, it’s addictive. This is a good addiction. Nurture it well.
See You At The Top!!!