The Quantum Experience

You need not perform the magic effects to get the benefit of The Quantum Experience, which is basically a series of magic shows that feature examples that look like quantum effects, things that can’t happen in this universe, things that appear to break natural laws, laws of physics, math and biological life, things that we are taught by schooling and experience, are impossible.

The Quantum Experience is to experience the impossible.

It’s unlike any experience you’ve ever had in this universe. Imagine being alive and able to navigate around inside the Quantum World itself, watching with no harm or danger, all those amazing weird, strange effects you’ve heard about but, until you experience The Quantum Experience, you’ve never actually seen for yourself.

You’re familiar with the effect you get when you’ve just watched a horror film, right? Of course it’s all ketchup and mustard and pea soup, but you can FEEL the effect, the TINGLE of fear and horror, even though it was just an audio-visual experience.

Isn’t that amazing? The mind registers an event seen on film AS IF REAL. This includes such films as “Psycho” and “The Excorcist”, so be careful what you decide to view. The mind is not capable of differentiating a horror, fantasy or sci-fi film from real life experience, and that’s a well-known, well-documented fact, a fact that we can use to our advantage, for a change.

Even a hokey totally phony film like “Godzilla”, a guy in a badly sewn, badly fitting costume, destroying a miniature set with tiny smashable breakaway cardboard buildings all over the place, can get you sitting on the edge of your theater seat, sweaty hands gripping the arm rests, your popcorn being munched at a million kernels a minute, shrieks of horror coming from various places in the balcony, creepy sensations and prickling tickles at the nape of the neck, and it doesn’t have to be experienced LIVE ONSTAGE, but it does have to be experienced in person, meaning someone watching a video will work just as well as someone watching it live onstage. It doesn’t have to be real. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look.

A video of someone violating Newtonian Physics in a colorful and entertaining way is a great way of reprogramming the higher self to accept and handle gracefully the abrupt and seemingly chaotic events of the Between-Lives State. Meditation and chanting are used in conjunction with the video DVDs, to provide the hottest and most life-changing effects you ever experienced. Now, at last, you can see, hear, feel and experience directly, the World of Quantum Reality.

You need not perform The Quantum Experience in order to experience The Quantum Experience. Just by watching the videos, you will get the message across to your higher self, that the Quantum World of the Between-Lives State is not to be feared, and CAN be understood. NO FEAR of the mysterious forces and wild phenomena of the Between-Lives State is the wonderful result of The Quantum Experience.

You can order the OFFICIAL QUANTUM EXPERIENCE DVD from, our audio-visual outlet site. You can show The Quantum Experience in public, and you can even have a Quantum Experience Party in which one of the Quantum Experience videos is shown. Here’s the theory behind The Quantum Experience:

What you don’t directly experience, you can’t really understand. In the Newtonian World, when you drop an apple, it falls to the ground. In the Quantum World, that doesn’t necessarily happen. In the Quantum World, things happen all of a sudden, weirdly. There’s a lot of Spooky Action at a Distance, and luck, charm and chaos seem to rule the world inside the world. The Quantum Experience brings it home, up close & personal, in your face.

In the world of Newton and Einstein, things are fairly predictable, like planetary orbits, geological events and sometimes, the weather. In the Quantum World, everything is weird, just plain weird, and the mind rejects this, because it has never actually seen it before.

Having a Quantum Experience changes all that. You will directly experience raw quantum reality. It doesn’t matter how the effects were achieved. It’s not a guessing game, like stage magic, where the whole point is “how was it done”. In The Quantum Experience, it doesn’t matter how it was done — what counts is that you saw it done.

It doesn’t matter how the effect was achieved.

The fact is that when the overmind — the alpha-theta brain — sees the effect right in front of its eyes, it will register the effect as real, although the analytical mind — the intellectual center — will surely reject it as a phony effect produced by mechanical means, and that’s all right — the analytical intellectual mind has no effect on the registry of the effect as real in the overmind, which transcends the body-mind by several dozen degrees.

The net effect is that when a quantum effect is demonstrated as-if-real, it becomes real and it then becomes possible for the experiencer to understand the quantum concept. This is based upon a solid foundational psychological factoid; direct experience helps one to grasp the fundamental principles of an idea.

If you don’t have personal experience personally experienced, you can’t understand an idea, no matter how clearly it may be presented. YOU MUST HAVE A HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE in order to wrap your mind around any new idea.

On the lecture circuit back in the 1960s and early 1970s, I noted that quantum concepts were not being understood, not being really grasped, by those attending the talks, and at the time, had no cure. Today, I do have a cure for Quantum Bewilderment Syndrome, The Quantum Experience, a direct experiential experience for the Higher Self.

You have several options here, from Optimum Choice down to No Choice Whatever:

  1. Host a Public Video Quantum Experience.
  2. Watch a Video Quantum Experience with Friends.
  3. Watch a Video Quantum Experience Alone.
  4. Think About Ordering or Downloading a Quantum Experience Video.
  5. Wonder About The Quantum Experience, but Do Nothing About It.
  6. Forget About The Quantum Experience — Eat a Snack, Watch a Movie & Go To Sleep.

The Quantum Experience is something entirely different. It will leave you breathless, wondering if anything in any world is tied down and predictable. Uncertainty and improbability will be in your direct experience, and when that happens, quantum will no longer be a stranger.

Don’t forget the effect of observation. Observation of a thing changes the thing observed, the very essence of the concept of Self Observation. Thing Observed is Changed by Observation. Observation with knowledge can make specific changes, rather than random change.

The Quantum Experience is a directed meditation that weaves a path through the Quantum World and into the nonphenomenal world, the world that is NOT illusion. Each stage of The Quantum Experience takes you further and further away from the Newtonian Universe and further from the World of Flatland.

Rather than be overwhelmed by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and sent overboard by the bells, whistles, roaring and rolling thunder and the sights of the various Guides of the Quantum World, you will, for a refreshing change, actually enjoy and be able to go with the Direct Perception Experience, and when you have acclimatized yourself to the Quantum World, you will find the Between-Lives Bardo State a lot more predictable and much easier to traverse safely to your next dimension destination.

Remember what it was like to walk into a casino for the first time? You were assaulted by a thousand distractions, and everything was an unknown, a source of wonder, fear, excitement and apprehension.

But when you had been in the casino for a few days or weeks, the cacophony settled down into a dull background roar, and only a few oddities, field anomalies, stood out in any degree of isolation, magnification and outline.

In short, the casino gets boring, real quick, if you hang out there for any length of time. Same with the Afterlife, and that goes double for the Quantum World. There isn’t any better way to acclimatize yourself to the Apres-Vie than with a good dose of The Quantum Experience, and the videos are easy to watch and fun to perform to, if you’ve sent for the performance kit for that video.

You don’t have to perform anything or do anything, other than press the “PLAY” button on the remote. You don’t even have to actually watch the video, but it helps.

When you attend an in-person or LIVE online Quantum Experience Workshop or Clinic, the effect will be even more powerful, because you will be invited to participate in the action, and will therefore add several more perceptions to the Quantum Reality recorded by the Essential Self in quantum energy matrix magnetic field formations, a higher form of memory similar to the Akashic Records, which captures information in nonphenomenal clusters.

If you wear a Quantum Witch Amulet, you’ll discover that you can actually SEE the quantum triangular overlays on objects, which reveals to the psychically active spiritual-sensitive viewer the visible source of the ancient Greek “Golden Mean”, a way of dividing every area up into triangles, the deepest basis for modern computer optics.

Each Quantum Experience is timed to run about 10-20 minutes, allowing for after-show workshopping and personal interactions. Some Quantum Experiences are longer, because it takes longer to run out the experiential data. All Quantum Experience videos are only $24.95 each, and come with a certificate allowing public broadcast and/or performance & promotion.

The Quantum Experience is strictly a performance video, and does not include the reveals. You may want to include the Quantum Experience videos in your next lecture series on quantum effects.

See You At The Top!!!
