Finally, after many many hours of intense labor, it’s ready for Prime Time! Each item in the build is hand-crafted out of ordinary prims. There are no sculpties, no mesh, nothing to get hung about.
Everything in the build is totally separable. Want one grape? Just copy the grape cluster and unlink the copy. Same with the burgers and anything else you want to examine or use differently.
After a while working with this, you’ll be able to craft up virtually anything with just simple prims!
What I’m demonstrating here is that I can enter Second Life for free, go to a free sandbox and create these items, store them in my inventory, list them on the marketplace, again for free, wait for some Linden dollars to come flowing in, use that to rent a space where I can create things and also use it as a showplace so folks can see my creations in-world.
The whole point of this build is that it was built for nothing with ordinary — and I mean VERY ordinary — building tools, nothing fancy, and that it can earn serious Linden cash for me, thus making it possible for me to expand my presence on the marketplace, see???
There’s 35 years of computer building skills behind this build, so don’t calculate on being able to duplicate the build on the first day you try to use the building tools.
All these skills and more can be learned on Prosperity Ashram. Did I mention that 100% of the proceeds of all sales go to support the Ashram? Well, they do.
Enjoy the build, carry it in your pouch, and enjoy the delights of the desert cafe on the Highway to Hell which is, in fact, paved with Good Intentions. Imagine that.
You have FULL PERM on ALL items in the build. That means you can enhance it, change it, do anything you want to with it, BUT you cannot resell it as FULL PERM. You MUST remove the “TRANSFER” on each item before selling the build to a third party. It’s a lot of work, but worth the effort.
Realize that in order to pack this into the rezzer, I had to go through each item, having made it first, of course, and then place the rezzer positioning thingy into each and every item, then take into inventory, then load into rezzer, and so forth, some 1500 times (several times through every process) until it came out exactly right.
If you don’t know what to do with this after you’ve bought it, attend the workshop which starts today.