The Clouds of Heaven


Heavenly clouds. If you ask the average Western schoolchild, you’ll get this about Heaven: angels sit around on clouds, strumming on harps. That’s it, end of line. Nothing is mentioned about singing, or humming or lunch-breaks. Clouds, endless clouds, on which there happens to be the biggest crafts fair in the known universe. Clouds. The fact is, the Ashram is hidden deep in the clouds, somewhere between Agharta and Shambala — Heaven & Hell — and that’s where it always will be. Once something exists in Quantum, it always is and always has been. (Ref: The Photon Effect) We’re surrounded by several other Heavens, but there’s plenty of room in Quantum Space. There’s nothing in hyperspace or Quantum Base to wear Heaven down — no friction, no entropy. That means foreverness, in the sense that as long as there’s a Kalpa running, there’s a Heaven. Just a little bit of Heaven is the 3200 meter level in the Ashram. You’ll now find the Hall of Heroes awaiting you there. Hall of Heroes is a contact point between yourself and any entity anywhere. You’ll be happy forever in the Bodhisattva Heaven. Plenty of work down below!!! You’ll find all the Keys to the Kingdom and easy rides to any world you need to get to for your Bodhisattva activities, through the Interdimensional Airport and Lounge. Horse and Hiking Trails, jazz and blues clubs, comedy club, winter sports, Throckmorton Desert Classic and accommodations at the Heavenly Hyatt.

See You At The Top!!!
