SongBirds in Asparagus Sauce…

Songbirds were a favorite dish in the Ancient World, and some folks still eat birds even today. Pigeons, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and all manner of wild game birds, hunting season permitting.

It’s not only birds — we’ve always eaten things we find around the planet, and in ancient times, that went double.

Importing food and spices from faraway places created a demand for what is today called the gourmet food market, which includes spices, herbs, and very expensive olive oil and vinegar for the upwardly mobile yuppie of today.

We can today live and work in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and even our home base, Planet Ten, all accessed by way of the 8th Dimension.

So how about joining me in reading the menu for a festival dinner with a middle-class Roman family?  The feast is already in the oven. Here’s the menu for ancient Rome today:


  • Black & Green Stuffed Olives and Green Beans Lightly Sauteed in Garlic Butter Garum Fish Sauce and topped with Crushed Braised Parsnip.
  • Leeks Poached in White Wine, Garnished with Walnuts & Green Onion.
  • Roasted Beets in White Wine Vinegar.


Goat & Sheep Cheeses on a Bed of Greens, Dresssed with Oil & Herbs with a Cilantro Garnish, served on genuine carved-lead platters.

Main Courses:

  • Brick Oven Baked Lemon Fish with Cilantro, Bread Crumbs & Lemons.
  • Apricot Stewed Cinnamon Lamb Garnished with Toasted Almonds & Fresh Garden Mint.
  • Slow-Roasted Brick-Oven Wild Songbirds in Asparagus Sauce with a Twist of Lemon.
  • Garlic Roasted Chicken with Whole Cloves, Black Pepper & Rare Eastern Herbs & Spices.
  • Chicken Herb Stew, made with exotic spices from the Far East, along with local peppers grown at the North Palace.
  • Steamed Vegetarian Platter — Fresh Garden Leeks, Chickpeas, Broccoli, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Green Beans, Spinach, Kale & a Variety of Herbs & Spices, in your choice of dressings — Aegean Island, Ancient Goddess, Romanesque or Oil & Vinegar.

Side Dishes:

  • Giant Platter of Pita Bread, Garbanzo Salad, Hummus & Oil & Vinegar Cilantrol Dressing.

These dishes are authentic to the period and are served in authentic ancient bisque-ware platters. Food is eaten with fingers or knife, fork and other implements, some provided, some you are invited to bring along with you.

You can use your own unscripted drinking vessel containing mead, ouzo, beer (yes, they had beer) tea or water, all of which was available at that time, although the brand name for the ouzo was not yet established. The original label of Ouzo read:

Owl /// Crawling Snake /// Hair Comb /// Circle & Dot /// Bird.

Yeah, like I said — “Ouzo”.

This attractive Avatar-Appealing menu is one that you and your virtual ashram guests and friends will enjoy.


All Organic /// No MSG /// No Hormones /// Virtual Ingredients Only /// All Milk Products From Mad Cow Dairy

Sounds delicious, right? Keep in mind that, for your Avatar, all this stuff including the Roman meal, is really happening, so bring the very best to the table, and respect the space.

See You At The Top!!!
