“The Virtual Altar” — No, it’s not available yet; I’m still working on it, and others like it. I wanted to explain to you the principles behind this 21st century Virtual Command Control, which takes the place of Real Life Act-Outs, which are today called “Ritual”. Acting stuff out is okay, but sometimes expensive and always subject to Outside Disapproval, meaning the Bots get wind that you’re doing something strange, and next thing you know, they’re trying to convert them to one or another of their Bot Religions. So, here’s what magic is, how it works, and how you can use it safely and cleanly to reduce your Karma, get into The Work, and reduce the suffering of All Beings Everywhere.
You’ll note first of all that my games are not ordinary video games. No, they’re quite different. My games are video games with a Higher Purpose.
Let’s discuss Subject Number One:
What is Magic?
Or, with the rise of popularity of Aleister Crowley among the Young Set, “Magick”, although he reserved the peculiar spelling for very specific practices. Today, of course, as you’d expect, the jungle has taken back its own, and Magick is now the norm.
Like everything else, Magic can be used selfishly for one’s own gain. That’d be what a Bot would do with it. Everything in Bot Life is about domination.
Magic doesn’t change the world. Magic changes the world you’re in at the moment. It’s a very simple operation, and much, much easier than changing even the smallest action cycle in any universe I’ve played in.
So why do it?
Good question, and my answer is, if it’s just for your own pleasure, don’t do it at all. Leave things as they are.
If leaving things as they are means you can’t, won’t or don’t Get Into The Work — that’s the whole point of being alive in an organic universe for roundies, but it’s utterly pointless for Bots, and they can’t operate outside their algorhythms anyway. Algorhythms are what make “The Box”.
The Box is a set of limits and action governors, which allow the Bot the illusion of Free Will, but actually constrain the Bot to simple activities, such as family, friends, social networking, job, religion, politics, fast-food, dirty dancing, spring break, retirement, vacation, travel, sports, and of course, the ever-popular “sex”.
Naturally, sex is part of all the other activities mentioned, but I include it in the list.
Magic… well, wait a moment; there are two kinds of magic, black and white. It breaks down like this: black is for personal gain. That could only be a Bot. White is for the benefit of all, and definitely not for personal gain. That could only be a Player.
Sex, Money, Power, Drugs and Diet.
Those are the Five Major Food Groups for Flatties. Players have in general little interest in sex, but certainly use it, and can use it for higher energy purposes as well.
Money? In-game currency is worthless Out Here where we actually live. In game, we can always either find more or do without our Mercs.
Power is useless without a reason, and there is no reason to take power on Earth. None at all, unless running Bots is your hobby, and I’d advise against it.
Drugs? Everyone, Player or Bot, uses drugs. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, pot, sleeping tablets, prescription medications (a polite term meaning anything prescribed by a degree-holding doctor of medicine) and of course, the lawyer’s pop drug, cocaine.
Gosh, that leaves diet. This is one subject we can’t leave to the flatties. Diet is extremely important; good diet, that is, and fast foods are not part of that. A highly controlled diet is indicated for Players who wish to get themselves “lifted up” into The Great Work.
Okay, so we’ve established that, at least for Players, there’s no actual reason to go after those five Karmic Fingers of Fate.
Higher magic has nothing to do with sex, money, power, drugs or diet. It relates strictly with your higher purposes, aligning you to the higher purposes already in place in UrthGame.
That leaves you with this:
If you wanted to communicate with parts of yourself that were ordinarily inaccessible, how would you go about it?
Magic is the correct answer.
Not psychology; the psychs are into micro-management, and besides, psychology is driven by the Five Karmic Winds as described above. All Bot World medical treatment, whether mental, physical, emotional or spiritual — which are the only four kinds of intervention they’ve got — are driven by the Five Goal Operators, Sex, Money, Power, Drugs & Diet.
Now as to why it works:
You want to design a complex and sophisticated game, but you have only very simple, very basic, communication linkages and even simpler logic blocks with which to build, so what do you do?
You’d have to know something about nano technology and fluid dynamics to get the drift of this, but you construct your space out of entropy, and your filler — usually some form of easily convertible matter/energy — which we’ll call “negentropy”.
Heat doesn’t merely go from its originating point to some entropic dead place in a straight line.
It stops and talks to friends; sips some coffee, tea or perhaps a cocktail? Then it wanders over to another social group, possibly a cluster of important males making a little circle around a well-put-together female of the barely legal persuasion, looking very much like a New Girl at a Frank Sinatra party.
So what has all this got to do with a Virtual Altar?
Be patient, I’m getting there, but first we have to take a look at one more item:
Are you a Bot or a Player?
If you really don’t know for sure, you’re definitely a Player. If you think I’m a stupid f*head for asking, you could be a Bot with delusions of grandeur. But hey, if you’re a Bot looking for a driver, we have Players on hand, waiting for a slot on the server, and you could be it.
Now that we have that handled, we can move on to the whole point of this discourse: the Virtual Altar.
It can’t really be called a video game, not really; it contains no mindless killing, no hurt, no pain, no misery, no revenge, no challenge of any ordinary kind, and requires that you really have a purpose for being there, not merely boredom, curiosity or titillation.
The Altar I’ve built in cyberspace is a 3-D walkthrough environment in which you can carry out Higher Rituals. It’s connected to your inner world through the outer world with a variety of Coupling Factors using Quantum Entanglement to form the connection.
The Altar takes advantage of the Laws of Magic, as they’re known by the local Bots; we here where I am call it “programming”, and it’s easy to learn and use if you’re a Player.
In Magic, Quantum Entanglement is known as the Law of Contagion, “that which has been in contact will always be in contact unless the contact is intentionally broken.” It’s based on simple Rules of Orientation. The Oriented Universe has yet to be discovered, but when it has been, it will be the single most important discovery in the history of Mankind; it means they will have discovered that the Divine Plan is a simple .ini file.
The other major law of Magic is the Law of Similarity — that which is like something else is that thing. Another way this is put is “The Model of the Thing is the Thing Itself.” Names are useful in this category of Magic.
So, apart from its higher uses, what is the value of a Virtual Altar?
1. It’s an inexpensive way to use otherwise unaffordable or unobtainable magical gear. I’ve included models of rare Tibetan, Peruvian, Aztec, Zapotec, Toltec, Olmec and other important shamanic items in the orbs. Also in there you’ll find a selection of finely crafted 3-D models of extremely rare Babylonian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Medieval and Modern ritual items, many of which come from my personal collection assembled during the previous century, none of which are available now.
Most of them I made myself back in the day. A few years ago, I managed to locate a necklace I’d made 7,300 years earlier. It was in a museum, and I’m glad.
Speaking of necklaces, I can include million-dollar items if they’d be of any use, and some of them are, so they’re in some of the orbs. Other things that I’ve included you couldn’t buy if you were a multi-billionaire with all the power and connections and perks in the world.
So what’s the second thing in My Great Plan For The Virtual Altar? I thought you’d never ask.
2. Virtual Altar space can be any form of architecture. I can build it in cyberspace for a lot cheaper than you can build it in brick-and-mortar, and magically, it’s the same. The model of the thing is the thing itself. When you’re in cyberspace, you’re in a reality that is occultly connected to your inner world and to some degree your outer world.
3. You can perform miraculous feats in cyberspace. This allows you to enact incredible events that could never take place on Earth, but could profoundly affect your life there.
4. My Virtual Altar follows the technical MoveAct Code — it is not really magic in the folderol sense of the word — there’s be no “Abracadabra” and waving of the hands in magical convocational form. No need for that — we’re using Direct Code, not local language and customs, for our effect.
5. A Virtual Alter is private. You can conduct full-on Ancient Egyptian Rites of Isis and no one outside your immediate airspace will know you’re doing it.
6. A Virtual Altar can be shared online with others. You can make your very own MOD of the Virtual Altar and send it to friends to share! No download necessary — send it in an email text.
7. You get to create your very own personalized Virtual Altar. If you don’t know how, there are tutorial videos, there’s a DVD on basics, and advanced training is available at all our workshops. You can train to coach others to make their own Virtual Altars.
8. No need for garage or yard sales. Tired of your Virtual Altar? Not working just right? Thought of something better? No problem. You don’t have to sell off all that expensive altar stuff you bought last year. Just make another MOD. I’ll soon have a large number of variations available for download, in just about every cultural mode you can imagine, and some offworld altars that you can’t possibly imagine, too.
9. A Virtual Altar doesn’t have to be restricted to Earthian Physics. Think about that.
Well, there are lots of good reasons to own a Virtual Altar or two, but those are sufficient to get you in motion.
I’m able to make Virtual Altars, Cathedrals, Shrines, Chapels, Catacombs, Shamanic Caverns, even outdoor invocational areas such as Stonehenge, Long Barrow and Chupachqua — there’s no limit.
I can even make totally alien spaces — it’s not what it looks like, although that’s part of the mindset…it’s what magical elements are contained in the orb. These take the form of amulets, talismen, charms, trinkets, wands, swords, cups, pentacles, and of course, the ever-popular enneagram. Just kidding about the enneagram, it’s magically useless.
I’ll get mail on that one.
What the Virtual Altar really is? It’s a way of getting hold of the programming using special skills that flatties simply cannot master. It’s built that way to prevent accidents.
The inevitable questions come up here, like “was Hitler really necessary?”. I’ll give you the tools to answer those questions your own self; what am I, a walking dictionary?
See You At The Top!!!