Wake Up With a Pocketful of Strange

When I return from my nightly Shamanic Sky-Walking Journey — translate that to coin search, if you prefer the grittier phraseology — I generally have a Pocketful O’ Strange. What that means is, I have some, usually only a dozen or so, very bizarre examples of the coin-maker’s art. In general, these coins have been assaulted in some way after having left the relative safety of a million-pound per square inch device that spews pennies out at a rate of 5 per second, but assaulted in such a way as to leave them breathlessly beautiful and strange…meaning seriously weird. You might not be able to see the weirdness in the photos, but they are there to be seen with, you should pardon the expression, The Naked Eye. You’ll find these results of my Shamanic Journey each night on my eBay store. They range in price based on hard-science, strict coinology standards, and whimsy. One thing is guaranteed: every single one of my “Strange” coins will make you stop & wonder.

See You At The Top!!!
