What To Do While You’re Waiting To Die

Clearly, this Rolex Oyster does little good the day after you die. If you’re living on the clock, a Rolex is important, but imagine a whole life that wasn’t on the clock!!! Okay, so you’ve figured out that you only have a few years of productive life left, and you’re wondering how to best spend your few precious remaining years. That’s like a gambler counting the change after losing a million bucks at the craps table, but okay, here goes:

Figure out your probable remaining lifespan. If you’re a man and your dad is dead, add 20 years to the date of his death. If you’re a woman and your mom has passed, add 30 years to her death date and you’ll be mostly right. If both your parents are still around, you have a bit more time, but not nearly as much as you think you have.

Calculate how many actual days of productive life you have left in the best-case scenario, then deduct five years from that estimate. This gives you an idea of exactly how much time you have to accomplish what you came here to do.

One thing of which you can be totally certain: you will continue to return until you do it.

Every time you fail, you make yourself even weaker.

At some point, you won’t have the strength to even try, and that’s when you become the character I tell a story about; the man who walks across a cemetery at midnight, and falls into an open grave, and spends an hour trying to scrabble his way out, but in the end, he curls up in a corner to wait for daylight and help.

Meanwhile, another gentleman falls into the same open grave; the first man decided to say nothing, in order to not frighten the second fellow, who clearly was unaware of him curled up in the dark corner as he was.

He watched the guy struggle and jump and grunt and sweat and strain for the better part of an hour, then finally, in a voice of resignation said, out of the darkness of that pit,

“You’ll never get out of here.”

But somehow, the other man did.

Now, you might think you’ve got some sort of “Giant Leap” that you can make to avoid death. Most folks cannot fathom the fact that they have only so much life left to spend.

“Spend” is the right word. Life is money, in a sense. You are born with a bank account of livingness, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.

When you run one of my Insta-Fix Orbs, you’ll see a sign: “Have you Spent your Life Wisely?” it asks. You are the only one who can really answer that question, and you’ll only know the answer the day after you die.

But a lot can be done before then, if you know a few secrets of how to maximize your Esssential-Self work efforts in the time remaining to you. You get no extension; there is no blaming, shaming Team Fortress II videogame voice informing you “Time Has Been Added” or “Overtime”.

Note, please, that I said “productive life”. You might well live a long time, but not be very productive or interested in what’s going on around you, and even if you are still interested in those things, you’ll certainly be less able to participate in whatever pleasurable activities the young enjoy while they can.

As you age, your ability to use the hours diminishes greatly, and you begin to realize just how few hours you have left, and only a small portion of those are waking hours, and a very small portion of those will contain even a second or two of Waking State and Karma Burn, the two things you’re here on Earth to learn.

It’s not easy to find incarnations that work for Learning the Work. Humans of Planet Earth, as violent and generally downright nasty as they can be, have all the ingredients for Conscious Life, even if they don’t use them, like a chef who ignores all the spices.

This is okay, and it has to be okay. It’s not your job to shake them awake, but it is your job to gently inform them that Prosperity Path is available. I’ve indicated the benefits of this in other blogs. It’s interesting to me that the more or less standard pronunciation of “blog” is very close to the French “blague”; this might be meaningful, considering some of the blogs I’ve seen recently.

If you’re totally incapacitated and unable to operate a computer, there are Runners who will gladly do Prosperity Path Runs for you. At some point, we’ll have spoken-word command apps and such, but our iPhone Android app is still in development.

Right now, I’m totally concentrated on getting the Prosperity Path Orbs and Insta-Fixes out to you, and developing the Coaching techniques for you to use with family and friends.

So what can you do while waiting to die?

Obviously, Prosperity Path.

See You At The Top!!!
