Come on into my WayBack Machine to The Time That Usta Was:
How about some Herbie Hancock without the usual “Mr. Hancock, Wouldja Please Play Watermelon Man??”…
An introduction to Mandrill, for which my friend Life photographer Shep Sherbell (Soviets) did the famous liner photos:
Here’s an example of one of their pieces for which no video exists, but you really must hear it:
How about Eric Dolphy??? If that name doesn’t yet ring a bell, it should:
Press Keys and I were on the same record label at one time; Arab Tunes, which featured Oriental Jazz. It had a number of other issuing company titles, mostly in France and USA, with the same producer, Mustafa Siam, a long-time friend, who produced Epitaph for an Ego as well as other albums for me:
Here’s another video that turned up out of nowhere… it’s focused on another of Mustafa’s stable of new innovative Eastern music based musicians, co-inventor of Oriental Jazz, Lloyd Miller, another friend from Long Ago: