LTSF (Lank Tod Sis Friday)

Artisaned Brass & Copper Modernist Earrings by ej gold — $125.00

That’s what happens when your fingers are not on the “Home Row” keys. Well, here it is Friday again, and once again it catches me by surprise. I don’t like weekends. They don’t make jokes on youtube about anything during the weekend — you have to wait until Tuesday to get the jokes from Monday.

You know, if you stop to think about it, it’s a fact that pretty much nothing you can do in this world can be made to last forever, or even very long, and it magnifies the fact that the lifespan of most of your efforts will do well if they make it past a couple of weeks. Continue reading

On the Start of a New Day

Once many years ago, I somehow came across the idea that you can change anything, but only temporarily, in the organic world. Real change can only come outside of space and time.

Well, hell, that means me. What I mean is, that’s my specialty — making things work inside the world by operating outside the domain.

We all know what that is — an operator, generally f6. Continue reading

Walking in the Bardos

Here are some Bardo Walk Exercises for you, from my upcoming guidebook of the same name.

You should be looking as you wander, for familiar faces — people you recognize, people you know, and people who seem familiar. All three of those categories are operating at the same time. You can indicate where there is a match, and use the space bar to stop the video to examine the scene better. Continue reading

Have a Better Life


It’s easy to have a better life, and even easier to select a lifetime from a field of possible lives you could lead, coming out of the Bardo State, all you need to know is how it’s done, and I’ll lead you along the way in hopes you will fully grasp it and make it yours.

There is a mechanical process that’s unavoidable — “Choicing” — that’s a verb, meaning “to act upon a hunch to reflexively and instantaneously select a given path with very few clues”. Don’t bother looking it up.

So where do we start? Continue reading